Shino Case (sweetshino) Translations

ID Verified
Over 13 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

<about us>
Prancing Leopard Organics came from our simple need: we could not find organic activewear that was stylish and comfortable enough to go beyond our yoga, dance and fitness activities so we could wear it throughout our busy, multi-tasking days.
We are Sevda and Bert Holland of Prancing Leopard. To us, synthetic blend clothing being sold for yoga practice seemed inappropriate for a holistic practice like yoga, it was confining, felt foreign on the body and was frequently styled as if yoga were a competitive sport.
We longed for clothing that would help us live a 360° organic lifestyle - comfortable and stylish enough to go from the cafe to yoga, then to meetings or an evening out without changing.


Prancing Leopard Organicは、シンプルな必要性から生まれました。ヨガやダンス、フィットネス活動はもとより、忙しい毎日の中で着こなせるスタイリッシュ且つ快適なオーガニックアクティブウェアが無かったからです。
こんにちは、私達はPrancing LeopardのSevda HollandとBert Hollandです。ヨガ用に販売されている合成繊維混合の服は、ヨガの様な心身一体となる運動にはふさわしく無いと私たちは考えます。圧迫するようで、身体になじみにくく、ヨガが一種の競技であるかのようなデザインをしています。

sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

We also care deeply about the earth’s future and open business practices — and so Prancing leopard sprung to life — organically.
Love, care and organic cotton: this is our passion.Our dream is really great clothing that intelligently supports a dynamic lifestyle and a company that endeavors to give back to the society, culture and the earth in every way. Balance.
To benefit both the wearer as well as the world, we chose organic fabrics. Our goal was to find the most beautiful fabrics, combining natural organic fibers with comfort and performance. Made with sustainable fibers to support organic farmers and sustainable farming practices.
We are passionate about our community.


同時に、私たちは地球の未来とオープンなビジネスをすることにも心から気を配っています。そういうわけでPrancing Leopardはオーガニック的な方法で息を吹き返したのです。

sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

<Customer Service>
Ordering From `PLO'
Visit the online store section or call +1-*** or +1-*** to order your `PLO' items. You may also fax us at +1-***. You may text us at +1-***. `PLO' does direct ship internationally. There will be an additional shipping charge of $19.50 for North American destinations and $29.50 for destinations outside of North America. The customer will be responsible for all taxes, duty and customs processing.
If you would like to try on our clothing or purchase locally, please find the partner nearest to you for availability.

Tracking Your Order
Please provide your email address, `PLO' will a send a confirmation of your order when it is shipped with the tracking number.

Return Policy


PLO商品はオンラインショッピング、または+1-*** / +1-*** からご注文下さい。また+1-*** へのファックスス、+1-*** o へテキストでのご注文も承っております。PLOは、世界に向けて直接発送致します。北米へは$19.50、北米以外の地域へは$29.50の送料をご負担いただきます。税金、関税、その他税関手続きにかかる費用はお客様のご負担となります。



sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

At `PLO', we like to provide our online customers with the best return service possible. If for any reason you are not truly satisfied with our products, please return the item(s) within 30 days of purchase to the original point of purchase for a replacement, exchange or a refund. A restocking fee of $6 will be charged for each item returned, exchanged or refunded (additional charges apply for foreign customers to cover return customs and shipping). Refunds will only be given to customers purchasing from `' or through one of our retailers.

If you purchased items from a retailer, please return those items directly to the retailer. If you purchased online at `', please follow the guidelines below.




sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

Wholesale purchases are eligible for replacement or exchange only, and only within 30 days of purchase. There are no refunds for wholesale purchases.
Foreign wholesale purchases are not eligible for refund, exchange or replacement.
All exchanges sent back to our warehouse are subject to a restocking fee of $6 per item.Instructions for US customers that purchased directly from `'
1. If there are any discrepancies with your order or you want to return an item within 30 days of purchase, email our customer care department at `Ad@' and write “exchange” or "return" in the subject of your email.
You may also contact our customer service dept at +1-*** Mon-Fri - 8am to 5pm (EST) or +1-*** (Outside U.S.).


1.注文所との相違、或いは30日以内に商品を返品される場合は、カスタマーケア部の”Ad@”へメールにてご連絡下さい。メールの主題には”交換”(exchange) または"返品” (return)と明記下さい。お電話でも受付けております。お電話の受付け時間は、月曜から金曜日の午前8時から午後5時(東海岸時間)となっております。電話番号+1-*** (海外からの場合 +1-*** )

sweetshino English → Japanese
Original Text

4. Prepaid Shiping Label: If you requested it, you will be issued a prepaid shipping label, either by e-mail. Simply follow instructions for shipping. *:Upon receipt of our prepaid shipping label, $10 will be deducted from your return unless our customer service has approved free return shipping.
5. To ship your items without a prepaid shipping label please use UPS, Fed Ex, or US Mail (delivery confirmation). Be sure to get a tracking number and adequate insurance to help ensure the package arrives at our warehouse. `P' will not be responsible for packages lost in transit to our facility and will only assume responsibility once it is signed for by our Receiving Dept. Ship the return package to the address below


5.前払いの発送ラベルをご利用にならない場合は、UPS, Fedex,または配達確認付の郵便局による郵送にて発送下さい。当社の倉庫へ到着を確実なものにするため、追跡番号を入手し、適切な保険をつけてください。”P"は輸送中の荷物の紛失には責任を持ちません。を貨物受取部にて商品受け取りに署名で確認した時点から、商品管理は当社の責任となります。返品は下記住所まで送付のほど御願いいたします。