spdr Translations

ID Verified
About 10 years ago Male 60s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
spdr English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you so much too as the guitar was so very well packed, and thank you too for the bonus gifts of the guitar polish and polish cloth and guitar strap, pleasant surprise!
As mentioned, if you ever holiday in Sth-east Queensland -- be it you fly to Brisbane or Sunshine Coast or Hervey Bay airports, let me know in advance and I will endeavour to arrange my work so I can offer to your family assistance with meeting you at the airport and taking you to your accommodation and helping you and family to see the best places to go and see.
Thanks again MrA, for the wonderful friendly service and for the fabulous guitar I'm a very happy customer.
All the best with the sales, you deserve to sell many instruments friend.


先に言ったように、あなたがクイーズランドのどこかで休暇をすごすときには、ブリスベーンか、サンシャイン コースト、或いは、ハーベイ ベイ空港のどこの空港に到着するのか事前に連絡してください。そうすれば、私の仕事の都合を何とかつけて、空港に迎えに行き、宿泊先まで送り届け、また、最高の場所を見るためにご案内いたします。


spdr English → Japanese
Original Text

What an awesome guitar ebay seller you are. Yes, finally got to unpack guitar this morning - out all day yesterday & last night. I am very happy :-) ... even with the customs fees, this gtr is so fabulously good it is all worth while, & still glad I purchased this guitar, & from you a wonderful ebay seller - I have given you top positive feedback on ebay Asan. You deserve it. I wished I had more room to say more in the feedback, limited space.
I'm very grateful for your top customer service and communication with me in this transaction Asan, & yes, I would be very happy to purchase another guitar from you in the future too.


あなたはeBayにおける素晴らしいギター販売者です。そうです、昨日の日中と夜は外出していたので、今朝、やっとギターの梱包を開きました。大変嬉しいです。関税を支払ったとしても、このギターは驚くほど良いもので、それだけの価値があり、また、あなたのような素晴らしいeBayの販売者からこのギター買った事を喜んでいます。あなたにはeBay Asanの最高の好評価を残しました。評価欄がもっと大きければ、さらに私の気持ちを書きたかったのですが。あなたの最高の顧客サービスと、この取引に関する私とのやり取りに大変感謝しています。そうです。今後もまた、あなたから他のギターを喜んで購入します。

spdr English → Japanese
Original Text

Seasoning Steps:
1- Wash your Canadiano with soap and warm water.
2-Rinse it.
3- leave it to air-dry before first use.
4- Season the bowl with a strong coffee using 3-4 table spoons of coffee.
5- Place your Canadiano on-top of a large cup.
6-Pour some boiled water onto the coffee.
7- Let it steep, stir regularly, drip and fill the cup. Then rinse thoroughly.
8- Don’t drink the first coffee, it may have sawdust, natural oils or ship dust.
6- Now you are ready to brew your first cup of Canadiano!

