Sakura (setsuko-atarashi) Translations

4.7 8 reviews
ID Verified
Over 9 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I alredy made the payment, so please package the kit with care be sure all is complete. I would like to ask you Im out home at San Antonio Texas USA I will be there by 28th October until 30th October, please help me arrange the item arrive by those days or two days before to my confirmed address

Can I see the actual base ?

Would you take $100 shipped for these?

Also i search this two Thing

Can you looking for me brand new dx gaoranger gao icarus ? I'm looking this item too long .

I would purchase this from you if the shipping charge was the actual shipping fee.
Could you help with this?

Any listings that place you over your current limits may be automatically removed.




これらの商品の発送$100 受け取って頂けますか。

新品のdx gaoranger gao icarusを探して頂けますか。長い間この商品を探しています。



setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

★Hello, you can send : used minolta VC7 Grip $ 25 so I do not pay tax

★"Alo I am looking the same 2.8 / canon/eyefish 15mm or 18 mm but must be eye fish 2.8 . If you have it we can negociate, tomorrow I will send you back the lens you sent me"

★"Please ASAP Send me your add ...."

To reply now, see the request details.

★I am unsure if you're taking offers - but I'd like to offer you $900 AUD if you're interested

★I am a young photography student so my purse is very small
I want to know your best sale price for a student please?
I am ready to pay the monthly payment every month by my Master card credit card, it's going to help me a bit
I could also recommend to my photography class for more customers


◯ こんにちは。中古ミノルタVC7 Grip 25 US ドルを送って下さい。私は税を払わなくても良いですので。

◯ また、私は同じ2.8 でキャノン、アイフラッシュは15mm又は、18mm を探していますが、アイフィッシュは2.8です。もしお持ちでしたら明日相談させて頂きます。送って頂いたレンズを返送します。

◯ 貴社のアドレスを早急に送って下さい。

◯ 質問にお答え致しまして、提案の詳細をご覧下さい。

◯ 貴社が申し出をされているのか定かではないのですが、私は900 オーストラリアンドル、もし貴社がよろしければ、申し出ます。

◯ 私は若い写真を勉強している学生ですのであまり余裕はありません。
マスターカード クレジットカードで毎月月々の支払いを喜んでします。それで少し助かります。

setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

1.Hello Sir,
Indeed, this model is available but I’ve just one model in my stockroom.

You can watch your pro forma invoice without tax and with fret charge from Japan, below

I wait your instruction

Best regards

2.Hello Sir,
Your order N°93113 is ready to send (with great address), you can paid by credit card Visa or Master Card . We don’t used Paypal System.
Send by email your credit card number BUT WITH TWO MAILS FOR SECURITY (VERY IMPORTANTE) (ex : 1st mail : 4565/5203/****/**** date 04/17 *** - 2Nd mail : ****/****/ 7896/2385 **/** crypto 523).

Thanks you very much for your order

Best regards.





貴社のナンバー93113は発送の用意ができています(住所宛に)。ビザクレジットカードもしくはマスターカードでお支払い頂けます。ペイパルは扱っておりません。貴社のクレジットカート番号をイーメイルで送って下さい(安全のため2つのメールで)(とても大切な事です。)例えば、最初のメールでは4565/5203/****/****日付04/17***, 2回目のメールでは、****/****/7896/2385**/**暗語コード523)。



setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Thanks for your response! I'm looking for this lens, but hoped to get a newer copy, like OW, OX ... I got one a week ago, but sold it to one of my photography fellow before he went on a safari trip. Newer ones like that sell for 4,200 - 4,400 here in the US as you can see if you check Sold items on eBay. Other unreasonable listings ($4,500 up) stay there forever, since people rarely buy them. I don't know if you're willing to lower your offer.

Did you received my email ? Requesting an extra picture for the made stamp the one that is inside of the bag with the zipper goes the thing is that the picture is very blurry and I just one to see it


ご返事有り難う御座いました。私はこのレンスを楽しみに待っておりますが、OWやOXの様な新しいレンスを希望します。レンスを1枚1週間前買いましたが、彼がサファリ旅行に出る前に友人に売りました。eBayの売済商品をご覧になればわかりますようにアメリカでは4,200 ~ 4,400USDで新しいレンスが売れます。他の不当なな掲載(4,500USD 以上)はずっと売れないです。皆ほとんど買わないからです。貴社は価格を下げる意志がおありか分かりませんが。


setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese
Original Text

I purchased a sigma 170/500 apo lens ive connected it to the camera and its saying that theres a fault with the contacts so ive tried in on a friend canon and its saying the same ive tried all my lens and theres nothing wrong with any of my af lens or any of my friends lens on my camera so i dont know if you have tested this lens but as far as im concered ive spend alot of money with you for this lens and i also had to pay import charges on the lens which you didnt tell me about in your selling ad and that was £40 i reluctantly paid it because i wanted the lens so much but up to now its been a total failure please contact me on what you are going to do to resolve this issue thanks very upset robert


私はカメラに装着するシグマ170/500 apo レンズ 購入しました。相互作用に問題があると書かれていたので、canonで試してみましたし、いろいろなレンズでも試してみました。私のafレンズでは悪いところは見つかりませんでしたし、私のカメラに友達のレンズを使ってもです。あなたがこのレンズをテストされたかどうかは解りませんが、あなたの販売広告に私は多額のお金£40を使いました。とてもそのレンズが欲しかったので無頓着にお金を支払いました。今のところ、購入したことは完全な失敗でした。この問題をどのように解決して頂けるのか私にお連絡ください。とても憤慨したご連絡で申し訳ありません。