Chris (secangel) Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Chinese (Simplified) (Native) English Japanese Chinese (Traditional) French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
secangel English → Chinese (Traditional) ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

So the CSS is very simple, but we need to define which class the page should load with, depending on the section of the site we’re in. This is really simple using MODx Revo, you can create a Template Variable for every template, set the type as ‘image’ so that admins can select images from the file browser and you can then define your <body> tag in your templates like
You don’t want to have to do this to EVERY page on your site, that would be a painful chore (and your editors might forget) so, there’s a few options, the simplest would be to use a default value for the template variable - we uses @INHERIT for the default value of the TV, meaning that we can define the image just once at the top level.


那麼,即使 CSS 如此簡單,我們仍然需要根據我們在網站中的位置來決定頁面應該載入哪一個類。用 MODx Revo 的話這一切都會變得相當容易,你可以為每一個範本創建一個範本變數,也可以把類型設為“圖像”來讓管理員們通過檔流覽器來選擇圖像,還可以把範本當中的 <body> 標籤定義為
你不需要在網站每個頁面都這麼操作,這是很單調繁瑣的工作(你的編輯或者也會忘記的)。所以有些解決方法,其中最簡單的就是使用預設的範本變數——我們用 @INHERIT 來作為 範本變數的預設值,這就意味著我們可以一次性在頂層就對圖像作出定義。

secangel English → Chinese (Traditional) ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Gizzy & Nacho - another MODx Revolution site launched

We finally have time to upload a few of our case studies while waiting in Seattle’s airport for a connection to Houston… “are we there yet..”

The day before we left Hong Kong for this trip to North America and MODxPO we launched a site for our friends Gizzy & Nacho.

This is our first e-commerce site built in MODx Revolution - and we really packed in the features for this one:

Full Inventory management 3PC using MODext, xpdo etc with database export to Excel.

A point-of-sale system allowing Gizzy to sell inventory in their brick & mortar store while producing receipts & invoices, maintaining a live-updated inventory database that is reflected online.


Gizzy & Nacho ——另一個 MODx Revolution 網站啟動


從香港出發來北美 MODxPO 的前一天,我們啟動了給我們朋友的網站,Gizzy & Nacho.

這是我們第一個在 MODx Revolution 裡面所建立的電子商務網站——目前我們在這個網站中包含以下特點:

全面存貨清單管理,使用 MODext, xpdo 等技術,並且能將資料庫匯出到 Excel.

零售商店系統,能夠讓 Gizzy 在商店銷售磚塊水泥的同時生成收據發票,所做的操作能夠同步到存貨清單資料庫當中。