Sayoko (sayoko) Translations

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Almost 13 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English German Italian
Arts Marketing Business
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sayoko English → Japanese
Original Text

Today we received a package for you from Ishtiag Ahmed which was incorrectly addressed. In order to avoid delays, your new address and suite number must be shown on all packages and merchandise that you have shipped here. When you place orders with any merchants, please verify and update your shipping address with your complete address and suite number. Please specifically make a note to update your address with the particular retailer noted above. Each package that arrives to our facility with an incomplete, inaccurate or old address requires special handling. This special handling is required to verify the correct recipient, delays your package and results in a $5 per package address


本日、Ishtiag Ahmedより発送されたあなた宛の荷物が、誤住所未達のためこちらへ届いております。このうな配達の遅れを防ぐため、 登録済の住所と部屋番号を全ての荷物に表記していただくことになっております。購入の際は、配送先住所を確認、また必要に応じて更新されますようお願い致します。特に上記の販売者から購入される場合には、くれぐれも住所更新に留意して頂けますよう。住所不完全、誤表記、移転などの理由でこちらに転送されてきた荷物に関しては、特例の配送手配が必要となります。ご本人確認を取るため、お渡しに時間を要しますし、荷物一つあたり5ドルの別途料金がかかります。

sayoko English → Japanese
Original Text

7 Ways to Improve Your Event Planning With Facebook

The Facebook Marketing Series is supported by Buddy Media. Now that Facebook will no longer allow your brand to hide comments from your followers, knowing the right strategies for moderating is paramount. Download our guide to Facebook publishing and moderation now.

From professional event producers to volunteer committee members, event planners see Facebook as must-have tool in their belts. How can Facebook give a boost to your next event?

We spoke with a few experts on using the world’s largest social network for event planning. Read on for their pro tips and let us know how you use Facebook for your events in the comments below.



フェイスブックのマーケティングはBuddy mediaのシステムで運営されている。今後フェイスブックでは、ブランドに関するフォロワーのコメントが全て表示されるため、どのようにページをコントロールしていくかが最も重要である。フェイスブックの運営とポスト管理についての、当社のマニュアルをダウンロードいただきたい。



sayoko English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

1. Get Inspired

Looking for some creative inspiration? Facebook to the rescue. Adrianne Mellen Ramstack, owner and principle planner at Adrianne Elizabeth LLC, uses Facebook to discover new, innovative ideas.

“I use Facebook a lot for inspiration,” she says, “I ‘Like’ The Knot, Real Simple, Rose Bredl Flowers, La Jeune Mariee and Big Rock Little Rooster (to name a few) to stay up on inspiration and new trends in wedding and event planning.”

2. Stay Connected

During the event planning process, organizers often need to share updates with the planning committee. A “closed” or “secret” Facebook Group can be more collaborative and interactive than countless emails going back and forth.



クリエイティブなアイデアの素をお探しなら、フェイスブックは助けになるだろう。Adrianne Elizabeth LLCのチーフプランナーであるAdrianne Mellen Ramstack氏は、フェイスブックを新しく革新的なアイデアの源としている。

「フェイスブックからアイデアをもらうんです」と彼女は言う。「私は、いくつか挙げるなら"Knot"、"RealSimple"、"Rose Bredl Flowers"、"La Jeune Mariee"や"Big Rock Little Rooster"などをlikeしているので、それらのポストからウェディングやイベントプランニングのヒントをいつももらっています」

2. 頻繁にアップデート


sayoko English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

#2 ($9.2 billion) Robin (Yanhong) Li – Baidu

It’s been a good year for Robin Li. In the past year, he saw his wealth increase $2 billion as the CEO of China’s king of search, Baidu. 42 year old Robin Li co-founded Baidu and rode its rise to the top to make him China’s second richest individual and one of China’s most respected managers and business leaders. Li was educated in China, but acquired his Masters in computer science in the US at SUNY Buffalo. He moved to Silicon Valley to work as an engineer and received a US patent in 1996 for his RankDex search/hyperlink index algorithm that would serve as the basis for Baidu.


#2(資産92億ドル)Baidu社 Rovin (Yanhong) Li氏

Rovin氏にとっては素晴らしい一年であったにちがいない。この期間、中国サーチエンジンのトップに君臨するBaidu社のCEOである彼の資産は20億ドルも増大したのだから。42歳の彼は同社の共同創設者であり、同社の検索エンジンをトップに押し上げた。伴って彼は中国で2番目の資産家、また最も尊敬されるビジネスリーダーにのし上がったのだ。彼は中国で育ったが、修士課程を米国バッファローのState University of New Yorkで修めた。以後シリコンバレーでエンジニアとして働き、1996年に、後にBaiduの基礎となる独自の検索アルゴリズム(RankDex searchとhyperlink index)で特許を取得した。

sayoko English → Japanese
Original Text

Ma has been expert at leveraging that user base, estimated today to be over 800 million users, to develop its other social services, internet portals, and online games. He has layered on value-added service one after another to develop the Tencent brand into a household name and major revenue generator. He developed a virtual currency called the QQ coin that ties in with many Tencent products and even the company mascot, a penguin, is licensed for toys and sporting goods. Though his managerial expertise is evident, the reclusive Pony Ma is a mystery to most. The Tencent CEO rarely grants interviews and shies away from the public spotlight.

