pondy (pondy) Translations

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Over 10 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
pondy English → Japanese
Original Text

In an interview with this writer just two months ago, Carl Pei, the global director of OnePlus, another Chinese smarphone maker eagerly awaited in India, explained why Shenzhen was picked as the home base for his company. “It was to capitalize on the production and R&D facilities there. Shenzhen is experiencing a hardware revolution; anyone interested in hardware should be in or involved with Shenzhen,” Pei said.

Besides the technical requirements of gadgets ever rising, a key issue is that the supply chain has to scale up in conjunction with the smartphone makers. But their funding and business models are quite different, so it requires collaboration.


この執筆者の2ヶ月前のインタビューで、Carl Pei氏、インドで心待ちにされている中国のスマートフォンメーカーであるOnePlusのグローバルディレクターは、Shenzhenが会社の本部として選ばれた理由をこう説明した。「そこで製品とR&Dの施設に投資するためです。Shenzhenはハードウェアの革命を経験しています。ハードウェアに関心を持つ人は誰でも、Shenzhenにいるか関わるべきです。」とPei氏は言った。


pondy English → Japanese
Original Text

Micromax and others – even Xiaomi – are aware of the supply chain issues cropping up because of the steep rise in volumes of smartphones being shipped in India and China. Hugo Barra of Xiaomi, who leads its global rollout, shared with Bloomberg recently the company’s plans to work closely with its manufacturing partners.

And Reuters reported a couple of months back that Micromax was interested in a stake in South Korean smartphone maker Pantech, which manufactures its own phones — although nothing more was heard on that front, and Micromax refused to confirm such a move. Maybe now with Xiaomi breathing down its neck and the OnePlus One expected soon, Micromax will give it a second thought.


Micromaxと他のメーカー、Xiaomiでさえも、インドと中国に運ばれるスマートフォンの量の急激な増加のせいで、生じている供給網の問題に気づいている。XiaomiのHugo Barra氏は、グローバルな新製品の発売を先導しているが、最近製造パートナーと緊密に仕事をする会社の計画をBloombergと共有した。


pondy English → Japanese
Original Text

Shirt dresses are normally given a waist, often with a belt, and hit around the knee. Shirt dress styles can have short or long sleeves and are considered casual. The shirt dress can be worn with boots or sandals.

Empire waist dresses have a waist underneath the bust-line instead of on the natural waistline. The empire waist dress can be found sleeveless, short-sleeved or long-sleeved. It can be casual or dressy depending on the type of fabric that is used. Silk or chiffon will make an empire waist dress appropriate for party or attending the opera. A dress sewn from cotton or wool may have a more casual look that be worn during the day. Empire waist dresses can be worn with sandals, flats or high heels.




pondy English → Japanese
Original Text

An ultracompact instrument made of maple with geared, guitar-style tuners.

Perfect for those who prefer the guitar-style geared tuners on their ukulele, the U-150 offers a gorgeous maple body that's stained mahogany brown, and its fingerboard and bridge are also constructed of maple but stained black. It's complemented by nickel-plated guitar-style 14:1 ratio geared tuning machines for easier tuning. It's every bit as great a value and it comes with the same sturdy gig bag included in the price.
The U-150 is a fine-toned, affordable instrument with a true vintage look and sound.

The lovely dark Mahogany stain in a semi-gloss finish gives the look of a prized, vintage collectible.





pondy English → Japanese
Original Text

The as-treated secondary analysis of the daily weight-adjusted dose of inhaled steroid during the first 2 years of the CAMP trial showed that a larger daily dose was associated with a lower adult height (−0.1 cm for each μg/kg). In addition, lower adult height was associated with Hispanic ethnic group and female sex, as well as a higher Tanner stage, lower height.
In an intention-to-treat analysis of the growth- suppressive effect of long-term inhaled glucocorticoid therapy for asthma initiated in children between the ages of 5 and 13 years, we found that the height deficit observed at 1 to 2 years after treatment initiation persisted into adulthood, although the deficit was neither progressive nor cumulative.



pondy English → Japanese
Original Text

The terms and conditions on our Amazon website will inform customers that they may withdraw from their Amazon orders within 14 days. In addition, as we already do in each shipping confirmation email, we always remind customers of their rights to cancel orders. We will also provide a model cancellation form that can be used for any order placed on Amazon.

If Amazon customers place orders with you, they will be able to find the legally required cancellation form on our website and cancel orders through the Amazon Return Centre. You must then determine your obligations according to the CRD and, if required, work directly with the customer to issue their refund and coordinate return shipping of their order.


