ozaki Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

Recording and packaging. I think its just me but I have an aversion for playing live, although I've enjoyed it a lot before and have had very successful shows. I was in (we might be taking a break, actually) this band Totally Nebular and there was a while were we would play shows every weekend and a lot of those were great. We were really noisy, loud and energetic live. I've played 3 shows as Tree Hopping but none of them were as satisfying. But yeah, right now I only enjoy recording and packaging. Recording really puts me in my own world and in a great creative mood and packaging just puts all that recording into context. I think designing and making a package is just as important as the music.


録音と制作。自分だけだと思うんだけど、ライブがちょっと嫌いなんだ、勿論以前は結構楽しんだぜ、やったショーは大成功だった。このTotally Nebular(トータリー・ネビュラー)のグループにいて(でもちょっと休養するかもしれないが)毎週末にライブをやった時期もあった。ホントにでかい音でエネルギッシュなライブと評判だった。Tree Hopping(ツリー・ホッピング)として3回公演をしたけど、どれも満足できなかった。しかし、いまは録音と制作だけを楽しんでいる。録音はすごくクリエイティブな自分の世界に浸りきれるし、制作はその録音を製品に仕上げていく。パッケージのデザインや製作は音楽と同じくらい重要だ。

ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

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ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

In April 1980, I married Afrozi. There was a big ceremony in Dhaka to which we invited many of the ministers I knew and bankers with whom I worked. Afrozi and I met several years earlier when we were introduced by mutual friends. She was a Bangladeshi teacher and researcher in advance physics and was then working at the University of Manchester. She was as comfortable in the Eastern and Western worlds as I was. By November 1982, the Grameen Bank membership stood at 28,000 out of which less than half were women. How did we achieve this jump from the less than five hundred members we had in Jobra in 1979? The secret can be stated in one word: slowly.



ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

They designed an experimental strategy for a group of teachers in Virginia and worked with 40 practicing teachers over several years. They were concerned that many would be "drawn to these new, refreshing conceptions of teaching only to find that the void between the abstractions and the realities of teacher reflection is too great to bridge. Reflection on a complex task such as teaching is not easy." The teachers were taken through a program of talking about teaching events, moving on to reflecting about specific issues in a supported, and later an independent, manner.
It involved having teachers record in writing their reflections about teaching



ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

The design of ubiquitous smart spaces requires collaborative efforts in integration of physical environments, digital infrastructures, and creating user experiences in a broader context of human-centered design. In this paper, we do not attempt to identify the technological issues or detail the functionality of ubiquitous smart spaces, but instead focus on design principles in developing a ubiquitous smart space. The paper is interested in developing a design framework in support of a flexible and adaptable ubiquitous smart space of the future. The development of ubiquitous smart spaces involves possibly unique sets of design criteria.



ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

Many types of ubiquitous computing applications are of this sort; our particular interest is the dynamics of architectural space, involving modular physical computing and interactive design processes from conceptualization, design development, prototyping, to usability tests.
Smart space is a collaborative endeavor, involving interdisciplinary fields such as computing, architecture, industrial design, engineering and cognitive psychology. Due to the lack of a design framework, most researchers create a smart space in a laboratory setting simply for demonstrating technologies without considering the inter-relationship among humans, lives, and technologies.



ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

More effort is needed in developing an interdisciplinary design framework that articulates various viewpoints on ubiquitous computing technologies, while emphasizing the potential applications of smart spaces to transform our built environments.
This work takes a human-centric approach to structuring the research scope of ubiq- uitous smart spaces over several dimensions. One dimension depicts environments according to the scale of the physical space, ranging from furniture, appliances, walls, floor, openings, rooms, buildings, to cities. Another dimension depicts a wide spectrum of technologies for ubiquitous computing, including human-computer interaction, sensing, media, display, embedded, and networking.



ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

These ubiquitous computing technologies can be implemented in the varied scale of spaces where information and services are provided when and where desired. The third dimension denotes the living requirements concerning safety, health, efficiency, aesthetics, and sustainability.
This work presents a human-centric design framework that articulates the various perspectives and major investigation aspects of ubiquitous computing for smart spaces. The next section elaborates the core of the proposed conceptual framework. They are:integration of physical-digital interaction interfaces;sensing and perceptual technologies;social and environmental awareness, and intelligent devices and service control.



ozaki English → Japanese
Original Text

As ubiquitous computing technologies become invisibly embedded in our physical environment, buildings become a complex smart living system. The complexity may be intrinsic, imposed by building performance or the construction technology, as in housing design. Alternatively, the complexity of interaction may be imposed extrinsically, as a set of sensing capabilities and computational rules, as in certain system infrastructures in smart homes. Today, most designers and researcher can only consider complexity of smart spaces intuitively, in the experience of tacit knowledge in a particular application domain.

