oier9 (oier9) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Fuzel (iOS) – An Apple Editor’s Choice photo app for 2012’s best photos apps, this swanky app from Not A Basement Studio makes stitching photo collages together really fancy. You can select from a host of readymade collage patterns as well as customize your own, and then directly post to your social networks.

KeepShot (iPad only) – Not A Basement Studio newest iPad app allows users to create, edit, and assemble photo albums together. Then it lets users print the beautiful physical photo albums and delivers them straight to users’ doorsteps. It’s like Pixa Roll for albums, unfortunately, currently the service only ships in the USA.


Fuzel(iOS)――2012年、Apple Editor’s Choiceで一番になった写真アプリ。Not A Basement Studioの作成したこの洒落たアプリは、スティッチした画像をコラージュしてファンシーにできる。独自のものをカスタマイズするだけでなく、豊富にある既製のコラージュパターンから選択することもできる。また、直接自分のソーシャルネットワークに投稿することができる。

KeepShot(iPad専用)――Not A Basement Studioの放つ最新のiPadアプリで、ユーザーはフォトアルバムを作成、編集、整理することができる。それに、ユーザーが実際に美しいフォトアルバムを印刷し、ユーザーの家に直送することができる。アルバム用Pixa Rollと言えるが、残念ながら現在のところ、アメリカ国内のみのサービスとなっている。

oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Once again my shipement is on backorder.

I tried to order everything that was on your list however the only thing that was delivered was:

10-Nanoblock White House
10- TOTAL of the Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building.

I think that break down was 5 each of the Statue of Liberty and Empire State, but I can't be sure......there are 10 of these size kits.

Total for all of that is only $480. Sorry that the rest of the items didn't get delivered in time. When they arrive, I will email you and if need be I can hold them for a little while until your next purchase date.

Would you like me to invoice you the $480 or create a listing for you?





10―Nanoblock White House
10―TOTAL of the Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building。



480ドルの請求書をお送りしましょうか? それともリストを作成しましょうか?


oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

It's expected that iOS7 could see a complete user interface redesign,and reports have suggested that Apple may also launch a 'killer app' in the form of an 'iRadio' music streaming service,or perhaps a mobile payment system with the iOS update.

The shape is also shared by the Mac mini and Apple TV,so we could be in for an update of one or both of those Apple products.

-The colours

When it comes to the variety of colours shown in the logo,it's been suggested that this could be a hint at the introduction of new colour options for the next-generation iPhone,dubbed iPhone 5S or iPhone 6.The colours shown in the logo are various shades of green,orange,blue,yellow,purple and red.


形状もMac miniやApple TVで言及されているので、こうしたApple製品のうち一方または両方の更新に直面する可能性があります。

- カラー

oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Earlier this year,Topeka Capital analyst Brian White wrote in a research note that "checks are pointing to more choices on the way with the next iPhone," including more colour options."By providing customers with greater choices with the same high quality and performance of the iPhone,be believe Apple has the potential to further expand its market share in the rapidly expanding smartphone world," he said.

The latest generation of iPod touch introduced several new colours for the first time,expanding on the black and white versions previously offered,so Apple could extend these colour choices to its other products,including the iPhone,iPad,and iPad mini.


今年初め、Topeka Capitalのアナリスト、ブライアン•ホワイトはリサーチノートにこう記しています。カラバリを含めた「こうしたチェックポイントは、進行中の次世代iPhoneにより多くの選択肢がある、と指し示している」と。「iPhoneの高品質とパフォーマンスはそのままに、より豊富な選択肢を顧客に提供することで、Appleは急速に拡大するスマートフォン業界での市場シェアをさらに広げようとする可能性を秘めている」と彼は言いました。

最新世代のiPod touchは当初、以前提供されていたブラックとホワイトから展開し、新たなカラバリをいくつか導入しました。なのでAppleはiPhone、iPad、iPad miniを含めた他の自社製品にこうしたカラバリを展開するかもしれません。