If the Indicator Light still does not flash, contact the Customer Care Center at 1-800-732-2677.6. Return the Bark Control Collar to Low Mode before replacing the unit on your dog.Note:The Test Mode is not intended for normal operation. If the Bark Control Collar is left in Test Mode while on your dog, it can cause false correction and may reduce battery life.AccessoriesTo purchase additional accessories for your PetSafe® Deluxe Bark Control CollarTM, contact the Customer Care Center at 1-800-732-2677 or visit our website at www.petsafe.net to locate a retailer near you.Will my dog stop barking completely?
もし、それでも表示ランプが点滅しなければ、電話で1-800-732-2677のカスタマーケアセンターまでご連絡下さい。6.犬に装置を装着する前にBark Control Collarはローモードに戻して下さい。注記:テストモードは、普段使用するモードではありません。もしテストモードのまま、犬に装着しますと誤った刺激を与え、バッテリーの寿命が短くなる可能性があります。付属品PetSafe® Deluxe Bark Control CollarTM用の付属品を購入する場合は、お電話で1-800-732-2677のカスタマーケアセンターに連絡するか、当社ウェブサイトwww.petsafe.netでお近くの販売店をご確認下さい。犬は完全に吠えなくなりますか?
• The Bark Control Collar effectively and humanely stops most barking when it is worn. It should only be worn during periods of unwanted barking.Will another dog’s bark set off the Bark Control Collar?Will the Bark Control Collar work for my dog?• The Bark Control Collar is safe and effective for all breeds and sizes of dogs, though it may be too large for dogs under 8 pounds to wear comfortably.Can I attach a leash to the Bark Control Collar?• No. This can result in pulling the Contact Points too tightly against your pet’s neck. Attach a leash to a separate, non- metallic collar, making sure the extra collar does not put pressure on the Contact Points.
・Bark Control Collarを装着中は、ほとんどの吠えは効果的にそして人道的に止められます。ただし、吠えてほしくない間だけ装着することをお勧めします。他の犬が吠えてもBark Control Collarは作動しますか?・いいえ。私の犬にもBark Control Collarが使えますか?・Bark Control Collarは安全で全ての犬種や大きさにもご使用いただけますが、当該品は、8ポンド(3.6kg)以下の犬には重すぎるかもしれません。Bark Control Collarにリーシュを取り付けても大丈夫ですか?・いいえ。リーシュによって装置が引っ張られ、コンタクトポイントが首に接触しやすくなってしまいます。コンタクトポイントに力が加わらない様に、非金属の別の首輪を装着して、それにリーシュを取り付けて下さい。
My dog keeps barking (does not respond to the Static Correction).• Tighten the Bark Control Collar and/or trim your dog’s hair where the Contact Points touch his neck to ensure good skin contact.• Test the Bark Control Collar (see “To Test the Bark Control Collar” section).• Increase the Correction Mode.• Replace the battery.• Contact the Customer Care Center at 1-800-732-2677.The Indicator Light keeps flashing.• Make sure the Mode Push-button is not set to Test.• Replace the battery.• If the light continues to flash red with a new battery, contactthe Customer Care Center at 1-800-732-2677.Terms of Use and Limitation of Liability
犬が吠え続けています。(電気刺激に反応してません。)・Bark Control Collarを締めて/るか、コンタクトポイントが接触する部分の毛を刈って皮膚にあたりやすくして下さい。・Bark Control Collarの検査して下さい。(”Bark Control Collarのテスト方法(無駄吠え防止首輪のテスト方法)”の部分をご覧下さい。)・刺激モードを上げて下さい。・バッテリーを交換して下さい。・1-800-732-2677のカスタマーケアセンターまで、電話でご連絡下さい。表示ランプが点滅し続けています。・モード用プッシュボタンがテストモード設定になっていませんか。(設定を変更下さい。)・バッテリーを交換下さい。・バッテリーを新しく交換しても表示ランプが赤く点滅する様なら、1-800-732-2677のカスタマーケアセンターまで、電話でご連絡下さい。利用規約と責任の制限
If the strap is too long for your dog, we recommend that you cut off the excess in order to minimize the possibility of your dog chewing the strap.If your dog has a very dense undercoat, install the “long” contact points. Use only the plastic wrench that comes with the replacement contact points. Switch the collar off before changing contact points.Selecting Intensity.If your dog has never used a bark collar before, remember that a dog needs some experience to realize that his own bark causes the correction he feels. If your dog is not used to bark collars, start on the lowest intensity. If the dog continues to bark in its normal fashion for longer than 30 minutes, increase the intensity one level.
If the dog alters the way it barks, this means it feels the correction. Give the dog a day’s experience with the collar to learn to respond by not barking. If it is still barking after that, increase the level. If it overreacts to the correction, use a lower level.Continue until you find the level that discourages your dog from barking. Remember that there will be a 30- second delay after changing the intensity before the collar will begin correcting.Batteries.The Bark Limiter comes with a replaceable battery installed. The replaceable battery in your Bark Limiter will give you up to one year of use. Performance will be less in extremely cold weather.
もし、犬の吠え方が変われば、刺激(罰)を感じている事になります。首輪を一日着けて、吠えないことを覚えさせて下さい。もし、それでもまだ吠える様なら、レベルを上げてください。もし、刺激に過剰反応する様なら、レベルを下げて下さい。犬が吠えるのを躊躇するレベルが見つかるまで調整を継続して下さい。ただし、レベルを変更してから首輪が反応するのに、30秒のタイムラグがありますので、ご注意下さい。バッテリーBark Limiterには交換可能なバッテリーが装着されおり、1年使用いただけます。寒冷地で利用する場合は、寿命が短くなります。
For best battery life always switch the Bark Limiter off when you take it off your dog.If the first two lights blink at the same time when the unit is on, the battery is becoming low. If these two lights glow steadily when you switch the collar on, the battery has become too low to operate the collar and you must replace the battery.To replace the battery:Uses one 3.0 volt “CR2” lithium battery (Tri-Tronics #1181300). Remove the collar strap from the Bark Limiter. Unscrew the 2 screws on the bottom of the Bark Limiter, alternating between screws, until the two halves can be separated. Remove the old battery and install a new battery, matching polarity.
バッテリーを長くもたせるには、Bark Limiterを犬から外した際は、必ずスイッチを切って下さい。装置のスイッチが入った状態で、先頭の2つのライトが同時に点滅する場合は、バッテリーが弱くなってきています。もし装置のスイッチを入れて、ライトが2つとも点いた状態なら、バッテリーは弱過ぎて首輪は機能しませんので、バッテリーの交換が必要です。バッテリーの交換方法3ボルトのCR2型のリチウム電池を1つご使用下さい (Tri-Tronics #1181300)。Bark Limiterから首輪のストラップを外して下さい。Bark Limiterの底にある2つのネジを交互に緩めて、本体が2つになる様分解して下さい。中に装着されている古いバッテリを外して、新しいバッテリーの極性を合わせて、装着下さい。
NOTE:Replacing a battery automatically switches the unit on and you will see the light begin to blink. If unit does not turn on, you probably have the battery in backwards; turn it around and verify function again. Thirty seconds after inserting the new battery, the collar will become capable of stimulation. You may wish to switch the collar off.Replace battery cover gently, making sure the gasket is properly in place. Tighten screws, alternating between screws. It is very important in order to maintain the waterproof integrity of the Bark Limiter that you ensure that the gasket is in place smoothly and evenly around the perimeter of the battery cover with no twists or folds. Replace the collar strap.
注記:バッテリーを交換すると、装置のスイッチは自動的に入り、再びライトが点滅し始めます。もし、装置のスイッチが入らない場合、バッテリーのプラス/マイナスの極性を間違えて装着している可能性があります。バッテリーをひっくり返して、再度機能するか確認下さい。新しいバッテリーに交換して30秒すると、首輪は作動状態に戻ります。この段階で首輪のスイッチを切っていただいて構いません。ガスケットが正しい位置にセットされている事を確認し、バッテリーカバーを丁寧に戻して下さい。ネジは、交互に締めて下さい。Bark Limiterの防水性能をきちんと保つには、ガスケットがバッテリーカバーの周りにねじれや折れがない平らな状態で収まる事が非常に重要です。
The O-ring on the screw should be positioned under the head of the screw before screws are tightened.Trouble-Shooting Guide.Please try these suggestions if your unit is not working properly. If you’re still having problems, email us at support@tritronics.comor call 1-800-456-4343.The dog is still barking while wearing the Bark Limiter.• The collar may be switched off. Be sure the unit is on.• The collar is inactive for 30 seconds after switch-on or any intensity change. Wait for the collar to become active.• The collar isn’t tight enough. Tighten the collar strap.• The intensity isn’t high enough. Try the next level. Remember it takes 30 seconds after changing intensity for the collar to become active again.
O型ガスケットをネジの頭の下にセットした状態でネジを締めて下さい。トラブル解決ガイド装置が正常に作動しない場合は、次の方法をお試し下さい。それでも解決しない場合は、support@tritronics.comにメールでご連絡下さい。Bark Limiterを着けた状態ても犬が吠える場合。・首輪のスイッチがオフになっている可能性があります。装置をオンにして下さい。・スイッチをオンにしてから作動するまで、30秒かかります。また、刺激の強弱調整を行った場合も作動するまで、30秒かかります。首輪が作動するまでお待ち下さい。・首輪が緩すぎる可能性があります。首輪のストラップを締めて下さい。・刺激の強さが十分ではない可能性があります。レベルを1つ上げて下さい。強弱調整を行った場合は、作動するまで、30秒間かかりますので、ご注意下さい。
• The contact points aren’t making contact through the dog’s undercoat. Use the long contact points. Wiggle the unit on the dog’s neck to work the contact points through his coat.The collar light isn’t blinking even though I switched the collar on.• It is normal for the light to stop blinking whenever the unithas not been moved. This is the battery-saving sleep mode.The collar is blinking while it’s on the dog. Is it correcting him even when he isn’t barking?• No. The blinking light just meansthat the collar is switched on.I can’t get the collar to switch off or the intensity to change levels.• Be sure to press and hold the switch firmly.My dog’s skin is irritated where he has been wearing the bark collar.
• Dogs with sensitive skin can experience skin irritation ifthey wear a bark collar toolong at any one time, due tothe mechanical pressure ofthe contact points. Do not use the bark collar until the irritation is cleared up. Also, do not useit for longer than 10 hours out of every 24 hours. If the dog gets wet while wearing a bark collar, the chance of irritation is increased. Using the short contact points will reduce the chance of skin irritation. Contact your veterinarian if the skin irritation is especially severe.Service and Warranty.The Bark Limiter is covered by a one-year warranty on parts and labor.
・無駄吠え防止首輪を長い間装着していると、コンタクトポイントが接触することで、皮膚が過敏な犬は炎症をおこす場合があります。炎症がひくまで無駄吠え防止首輪は使用しないで下さい。また、1日10時間以上は着けないで下さい。もし、犬が濡れた状態で無駄吠え防止首輪を装着していると、炎症がおきやすくなります。短い方のコンタクトポイントを使用すると、炎症がおきにくくなります。もし、皮膚の炎症が特にひどい場合は、獣医にご相談下さい。アフターサービスと保証に関してBark Limiterの部品と工賃には一年間の保証が付いております。
The possibility that irritation will occur, although small, increases with the length of time the collar is on the dog.NOTE:Even though Tri-Tronics products are safe, they are intended for use only on healthy dogs. It is always wise to have your dog checked by a veterinarian before any type of training.Owner’s RegistrationPlease take a moment to complete Owner’s Registration Information on line. When you do, you’ll be “on file” at Tri-Tronics®. This will help ensure timely warranty work should you need it. Go to our website at www.tritronics.com.
, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Shielded interface cable must be used with the equipment in order to comply with the limits for a digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules.Specifications and designs are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.
FCC NOTeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
. If at any time you prefer not to use the Slope Mode, simply press the MODE button to get to PinSeeker® or Standard with Automatic SCAN Mode.™Standard with Automatic SCAN: This setting allows most targets to be distanced up to 1000 yards. Used for moderately reflective targets that are typical of most distancing situations. The minimum distance in the standard mode is 5 yards. To use the Automatic SCAN feature, simply hold down on the POWER button for approximately 3 seconds and SCAN the rangefinder from object to object while leaving the POWER button depressed. Automatic SCAN will allow the range and display to be continuously updated very rapidly as multiple objects are targeted.
もし、スロープモードを利用しない場合は、モードボタンを押せばいつでも簡単にPinSeeker®か自動SCAN Mode.™機能の備わったスタンダードに切り換わります。自動スキャン機能付きのスタンダード:1000ヤードまで離れたほとんどの物を対象物として設定できます。非常に距離がある場合は、ある程度反射する様な対象物に対して使用します。スタンダードモードでは、最も近くて5ヤードの対象物まで設定できます。自動スキャンモードを使うには、電源ボタンを約3秒長押し、電源ボタンを押したまま距離計で対象物から対象物をスキャンして下さい。自動スキャンで距離を測定し、複数の対象物が設定されていると、次々に結果が表示されていきます。
Some real world examples may help clarify. A moderate roof pitch is 6/12, which means that the roof rises six inches for every 12 inch horizontal distance. That equates to 26.5 degrees. You can scramble up this pitch when hanging Christmas lights, but climbing that slope for the distance of a good golf shot on a course would be exhausting. To retrieve a 200 yards shot, you would climb 300 feet up!Golf Example: Let’s say you are a strong golfer with a 300 yard shot. At a 20 degree slope the Pin would be 50 feet above you. In other words, you be driving the ball to the top of a 5 story building!!! NOTE: For your convenience, the Slope Edition also contains the PinSeeker®Mode/feature.
The Advantage of Slope EditionThe distance to flag A in the drawing below is 162 yards. It is also 162 yards to flag B although it is on a slope. However, if you were to play this hole as 162 yards, the ball (X) would fall short of the hole/flag because you did nottake slope into account.The Truth about Slopes Trying to determine slope angle with the naked eye can be rather deceiving. Most are not well versed to accurately determine slope angle. For example, most golf courses average slope is approximately 4 degrees. A large slope at a golf course is generally no more than 8 degrees. Of course this can vary, and that is why this device will measure slope from -20 to 20 degrees.
・The app supports 12 languages, including Korean, Japanese, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Indonesian, and Thai.・The biggest overseas nations are US and Japan (pictured below).1. The average number actually decreased from June’s 360,000 number. Yujin explained that this happened because they have launched many new plus friend partners in Q3, and that these new comers may not have follower base as large as the older ones.
・アプリは、韓国語、日本語、中国語(簡体字と繁体字)、インドネシア語、タイ語を含む12ヶ国語に対応している。・海外で一番利用者の多い国はアメリカと日本だ。(下図参照)1. フォロワーの平均数は6月の360,000から実際は減っている。その理由としてYujinは、第3四半期にplus friendのパートナーを新しく増やしたが、この新しいパートナーのフォロワー母体が今までのパートナー程は大きくなかった可能性があると説明している。
The app has been doing respectably well in Apple’s Japanese app store since its initial launch this summer and briefly held the tap spot in the navigation category in August. A mid-October upgrade to version 1.3 has given it a resurgence that saw it return to number one for a day last month.The latest version improves battery consumption, added English support, and also has a mode for when your iPhone is sitting in a fixed position, like if it’s mounted on a car dashboard.Check out the video demo below, for visual explanation of exactly how it works. If you’d like to try it out, you can download it here.
Hello Yuichi, I will enclose the Paypal payment document in the parcel. I have to fill out the value on the outside glued CN 22 customs document . Do you want me to write down the 289 USD value ? In the past I shipped a few times license plates to Japan. I wrote a 10 USD value on the CN 22 customs document and marked as gift. No problem. PLease let me know.
こんにちは、Yuichiさん小包にPaypalの支払い書類を同封します。外側に貼り付けるCN 22の税関用紙に価値金額を記入しなければなりません。289ドルと記入して欲しいですか?過去に、何回かライセンスプレートを日本に送った事があります。その時はCN 22の税関用紙に10ドルと記入し、ギフト名目にしました。問題なかったです。ご希望をお知らせ下さい。
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