nobeldrsd Translations

4.8 4 reviews
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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Hardware-software innovation

Roam & Wander: Taiwanese startup making iPhone enabled toys. Raised USD 25k on Kickstarter.
Sassor: Japanese company that allows small offices and restaurants to manage their electricity consumption easily.
RedBearLab: Makes Bluetooth Low Energy boards that are Arduino-compatible. Based in Hong Kong.
Robugtix: Hong Kong company selling bio-inspired spider robots.
HEX Air Robot: A company from China that’s creating an open source platform for aerial personal drones.
Codlo: Malaysian startup that transforms rice cookers into sous vide machines. Past the halfway mark in its USD 148K Kickstarter campaign.



Roam & Wander: iPhoneを利用して遊ぶ玩具を開発している台湾のスタートアップ。Kickstarterで25,000米ドルを調達。
Sassor: 小規模オフィスやレストランの電力消費量の管理を可能にした日本の会社。
RedBearLab: Arduino対応のBluetooth用低エネルギ基板を開発した香港の会社。
Robugtix: 生きてるような蜘蛛のロボットを販売している香港の会社。
HEX Air Robot: 個人向けのラジコン飛行機用にオープンソースプラットフォームを開発した中国の会社。
Codlo: 炊飯器を真空調理器に変えてしまうマレーシアのスタートアップ。Kickstarterキャンペーンで148,000米ドルを集め、既に目標額の半分を超えている。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Vibease: Software-enabled sex vibrator. Based in Singapore.
Intellect Motion: Singapore company making gesture control gloves for the living room. They’re collecting feedback for a Kickstarter campaign, set to launch in August.
Sutajio Ko-Usagi: Open-source hardware company by Andrew “bunnie” Huang, an American, Singapore-based hardware hacker (formerly of Chumby).


HackJam: A weekly meetup of hackers, artists, techies for the purpose of hacking interesting stuff. Held in Hong Kong.
Mini Maker Faires in Singapore, Taiwan, Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
Singapore Makers Meetup: A bi-monthly gathering.


Vibease: シンガポールで開発された、ソフトウェア対応のセックスバイブレーター。
Intellect Motion: リビングルームで使う身振りで操作するグローブを開発したシンガポールの会社。同社は、8月に製品をローンチする予定で、Kickstarterキャンペーンのフィードバックを収集中。
Sutajio Ko-Usagi: オープンソースハードウェアを開発するアメリカのハッカーで、現在はシンガポールが活動拠点のAndrew “bunnie” Huang氏の会社(以前はChumbyに在籍)。


HackJam: ハッカーや専門家、技術屋が毎週面白いものを一緒に考究していくための会合で香港で行われている。
シンガポール、台湾、ソウル、東京、香港や深圳で行われているMini Maker Faires。
Singapore Makers Meetup: 隔月の集まり。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

About Match Scoring

About Skins Scoring
When you select the skins scoring method (page 2), players compete for a prize on each hole.
When you set the Approach to count strokes, the device determines the winner of each hole. Otherwise, at the end of each hole, select the player who had the fewest strokes. You can select multiple players if there is a tie for the win.

About Stableford Scoring
When you select the Stableford scoring method (page 2), points are awarded based on the number of strokes taken relative to par. At the end of a round, the highest score wins. The Approach awards points as specified by the United States Golf Association.

The scorecard for a Stableford scored game shows points instead of strokes.




ステーブルフォードスコア方式(2ページ)でプレイする際は、パースコアに対するストローク数で勝者が決まります。ラウンドの最後で一番スコアの高かったプレイヤーが勝者になります。ApproachはUnited States Golf Associationのポイント方式に即しております。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Search #1: It’s an admittedly complicated photo, with the background and foreground in focus. But how else to test the prowess of ViSenze’s technology? Besides, users may want to upload Outfit of the Day (OOTD)-type photos, so the tech should ideally be competent enough to decode such pictures. Looking at the results, the algorithms were able to detect a bag in the photo, but the search results were rather inconsistent.

Search #2: To make things easier, I used an image with a blurred background that puts the subject into focus. But for some strange reason, the search engine gave me stripes and more stripes. Maybe it has something to do with the bands of shadows in the image I used?




nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Search #3: Since the background could be a distraction, I trield a close up. The search engine recognized the two-layer ensemble of vest and T-shirt, although the search results was a mish-mash of different styles. It didn’t even recommend a similar vest.

Search #4: Let’s pare down to something simpler. This time, the search engine is able to detect the color of the image and make some interesting recommendations. But what’s with the female clothing?

Search #5: I stripped out the fluff. Plain white background with a simple blouse. This time, Fashion Finder is less confused, nailing the colors but still presenting divergent styles.




検索#5:複雑なものは外し、白の背景にシンプルなブラウスで試してみた。今回Fashion Finderの混乱も少なく、色合いはちゃんと認識できていたが、検索結果にはまだ違ったスタイルのものが含まれていた。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

The dot on the face is just a paint pen and wipes right off. That is not significant in any way and would be the easiest thing to fake if a head was not authentic. ALL of my heads are 100%, you do not ever need to worry about that or even ask. You can see my feedback which is 100% positive and I have been selling tour issue equipment for over 10 years. We are the most trusted and authentic tour seller in the world. Have you see my website? It is quite well known and large. Taylormade and other manufacturers visit my website frequently. If I were selling fakes of their heads, they would have something to say about it don't you think?


フェースのドットは、ペイントペンがついたもので、拭けばすぐに消えます。もしヘッドが偽物なら偽造するには最も簡単な部分なので、そのことはそんなに重要ではありません。私が仕入れているヘッドは全て100%本物なので、この先、心配する必要はありませんし、私に尋ねる必要もありません。100%肯定的な事しか書かれてない私のフィードバックをご覧いただければ分かりますし、tour issueは、10年以上も販売しています。当社は、世界で最も信頼されている本物のtour製品を販売している会社です。当社のウェブサイトはご覧いただいてますか?かなり有名な大手です。Taylormadeや他のメーカーも当社のサイトを頻繁に訪問してくれます。もし、彼らの偽物を販売していたとしたら、彼らも黙ってはないと思いませんか?

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text


②The Estimated delivery is THURSDAY 13 JUNE 2013 - MONDAY 1 JULY 2013, didn't receive nothing.
Tell me the website where can i view whereis my product? When my product will arrive?
The product already pass on Japan Post, where the product?

③"What DHL makes the delivery? the Express,or the packetor Logistics ?
I cannot find the tracking code on, tell the website where we can search the Tracking-Code"

"Was macht DHL die Lieferung? Die Express oder die packetor Logistics?
Ich kann nicht finden, den Tracking-Code auf, erzählen die Website, wo wir die Tracking-Nummer-Suche können "

I check the japan post, but the product was already "Dispatch from outward
office of exchange".




③どのDHL が配達しているのですか?速達便ですか、それとも小包便ですか?では追跡番号が見つかりません。追跡番号が検索できるサイトを教えて下さい。

"Was macht DHL die Lieferung? Die Express oder die packetor Logistics?
Ich kann nicht finden, den Tracking-Code auf, erzählen die Website, wo wir die Tracking-Nummer-Suche können "


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Noel underscores that BPI is committed to further expanding its mobile capabilities. Other projects in the pipeline include allowing BPI-to-other bank transfers, adding NFC capabilities, and making the app available for Windows Phone 8 and Blackberry devices.

Just last year, Unionbank joined the m-banking bandwagon and launched a mobile app that gives users features similar to that of BPI’s (balance inquiry, funds transfer, bills payment, and load credit top ups). Banco de Oro (BDO) followed suit and launched BDO Deal Finder app. However, it only provides information on the latest deals for credit card holders.


BPIは、モバイル向け機能を更に充実させる予定だとNoel氏は強調した。現在進行中の他のプロジェクトには、BPIから他銀行への送金、NFC機能を追加してWindows Phone 8やBlackberryのデバイスでもアプリが利用できるようにすること等が含まれている。

ちょうど一年前に、モバイルバンキングの時流に乗りUnionbankはBPIと似たような機能(残高照会、資金移動・決済、請求に対する支払い、プリペードカードのチャージ)を持つアプリをローンしている。Banco de Oro (BDO)も続いてBDO Deal Finderという同様のアプリをローンしたが、クレジットカード保有者に対して、最後にカードを使用した際の情報しか提供していない。

nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Must be a hot head that failed COR testing. If you want to send it back I can refund or swap it out.

QC is Quality Control. Probably has something to do with the testing or who is

doing the testing. Whoever writes the specs on them has terrible handwriting.

I wanted to let you know that I have received several more R1 V2 Tour Issue driver heads. I have them available in right handed and left handed now. All of the heads that I have are the TD2 9.5 degree heads.

Hi, I could do $175 per wedge if you want them now, if this works send me your paypal address in this format: gcinternational at me dot com and I will invoice you for $350 for both wedges,



R1 V2 Tour Issueのドライバーヘッドをもう何個か入手したので、お知らせしたかったのです。今、右利き用と左利き用のものが揃ってますよ。今ある全てのヘッドは、TD2 9.5度のものです。


nobeldrsd English → Japanese
Original Text

Following the examples of Tohfay and Tradekey are newer sites like and Labels E-Store (pictured), which both want to export Pakistani fashion to the world. has just opened its cupboard to the international market, while Labels has been delivering internationally since inception last year. Partnering with DHL, both firms now deliver products to Pakistanis abroad, who are known for their high spending. Generally on trips back home to Pakistan, they return with large suitcases filled with locally designed clothes and jewellery, but now they can just as easily shop from the comfort of their home in any nation and have those items delivered internationally.


パキスタンのファッションを世界に向け発信しよういているDaraz.pkやLabels E-Store (画像)のような割合い新しいサイトは、TohfayやTradekeyを手本にしている。Daraz.pkは、ちょうど海外市場に進出していったところだが、Labelsは昨年初めに海外進出を果たしている。両社共DHLと提携し、お金を良く使う事で知られている海外にいるパキスタン人に商品を届けている。帰国の際、一般的にパキスタン人は大きなスーツケースに、地元デザインの洋服や宝石を一杯詰めて戻ってくるが、今後は、どの国に居ようが快適な我が家から簡単に商品を注文し、国際便で届けてもらうだけで済むのだ。