Nao (naokey1113) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

Co-working in Thailand? HUBBA shares on supporting startups

The HUBBA Team shares what got them started on creating one of Thailand’s first co-working space and what is needed to support the Thai tech startup community.

e27 has been working closely with Thai co-working space, HUBBA, on organizing events like Founders Drinks and the upcoming Echelon Ignite: Thailand. Taking a closer look at how the team is supporting the local startup community, we sat down with co-founder Amarit Charoenphan (Aim) to find out what it takes to run a private co-working space in a city where there is less support compared to that in Singapore.




e27はタイの協業スペースであるHUBBAと密接に協業しており、Founders Drinksや近日開催するEchelon Igniteといったイベントを取り仕切っている。チームがローカルのスタートアップコミュニティをどのようにサポートしているか近くで見てみると、共同設立者であるAmarit Charoenphan (Aim)と共に座り込み、シンガポールに比べてサポートが少ない都市において、私設の協業スペースを運営するにはどうすればよいか模索していた。

naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, whether or not the teachers are any good is another story entirely — teaching is not as easy as most people think — but in all honesty, if I lived in the right location I’d be tempted to sign up for a few of these classes. As you might guess from the diversity of topics, Skillcity also seems to have a good number of users for a new startup, so the class offerings should only grow as time goes on. If you want to learn a new skill, this looks like a great place to do it. And if you want to teach something, Skillcity looks like the kind of site that will be attracting a lot of students once it becomes more widely known. This is definitely one to keep an eye on.



naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

The event is a premier marketing occasion, attended by the media (including TV crews) and a large collection of senior executives and brand guardians (including many CEOs). The evening is a celebration of branding, and is used to showcase participating brands. It also acts as a highly successful networking opportunity which facilitates intimate building of relationships between executives and rewards members with a privileged opportunity to listen to and interact with authoritative experts.

As the only book of its kind dedicated exclusively to the country's leading brands, the Interbrands Book is set to become the local marketing community's premier source of information on how great brands become Interbrands.



その国の代表的なブランドだけに限定されているので、ローカルのマーケティングコミュニティーにとって、Interbrands Bookはどれだけ素晴らしいブランドがInterbrandになるのかということを知るための特別な情報ソースとなろうとしている。

naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

The Book opens with expert comment from the Interbrands Council on "What makes a Interbrand?" and then goes onto explore the development and achievements of many of the strongest brands in JAPAN, revealing extraordinary findings along the way.
Each brand is presented on two pages, full colour feature which together make a fascinating and insightful presentation of the respective brand.
A diverse selection of industry sectors are featured in the Book, ranging from FMCGs through to corporate giants. Many key international brands are featured alongside some of the JAPAN's strongest home-grown brands and the presence of education, tourism and NPOs make Interbrands a fascinating reflection of the Japanese way of life.



naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Interbrands Reference Book
Each member brand receives a two-page case study in the Interbrands reference book as well as the opportunity to customise their books with a bespoke cover. The book is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the history and achievements of each member brand; copies are successfully used as corporate gifts for customers, suppliers, journalists, key staff and stakeholders. Customised covers are an extremely popular method of maximising Interbrands status and provide a lasting and powerful image of each brand.

2. Online Brand Case Study
Each member brand also has their case study available for download on the Interbrands website.




naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

The site acts as an invaluable reference for journalists, academics, consumers, and business professionals interested in gaining further insight into the JAPAN's leading brands. Participating member brands also have their brand logo prominently displayed on the Interbrands website linked to their own brand website.

Interbrands and its PR partners work with all sectors of the local media to promote both the project itself and the participating brands. Television, print, radio and Internet are all utilised to inform the local market about how Interbrands operates, and which brands in their market have achieved Interbrand status.


