Megumi Walton (mzarco1) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 11 years ago
United States
English (Native) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mzarco1 English → Japanese
Original Text

i dont think white hair would be so bad ;p a lot of people do dye it though.. when i was younger,
i used to dye mine pink or blonde... ;D i wont do it now, because im afraid it will turn gray or white faster! O.O (and im just 33, so no thank you.. lol.) how old are you? (if you dont mind my asking.... maybe im a bit too personal.. )

and i dont know if it is popular because i dont talk to that many people and on facebook, nobody has ever mentioned it to me, so i doubt they know about it... im happy because i can watch my weight and eat snacks once in awhile.. as long as i keep my calories correct, im fine. :D *i dont eat many at a time any way, i have little time or im too tired to eat much after i leave work..*


白頭がそんなに恰好悪いとは思いませんけど ;P 染める人は多いですけれどね。私も若いころは、ピンクとかブロンドに染めてました…;D 現在は、白髪になりそうなのでしませんけどね!O.O(三十三歳なんで、まだ結構です(笑))あなたは、今何歳ですか?(是非害さないでください…私、個人情報について聞いてしまう性格なのかも)


mzarco1 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Why the fuss over a karaoke app?

How does it work? First, find your friends on Facebook within Duets app, choose a song from the list and sing the first verse of the song with the help of a slick karaoke-style UI. Your buddy sings the next verse. This goes on alternately to the point where the user has to buy the song to finish singing it.

When the app first launched you could only sing with friends, but now users can sing with people they don’t know within the app. You can either pick a random name from Duets’ list of users, or search by “stage names” (the app’s term for username). Ben says that when the app first came out, many users were tweeting their stage names so that strangers could start duets with them.





mzarco1 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Smart Txtbks is relevant in a country where the majority of people still use feature phones, and where many families cannot afford e-book readers and tablets.

Merlee Jayme, partner and chief creative officer at DM9JaymeSyfu, says the next step is to present this to the Department of Education to make this available to more schools nationwide. She adds that part of the plan is to come up with a donate-your-old-phone campaign to provide more cellphones to public school students.

This campaign also gave the Philippines its first-ever Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, where it went up against more than 35,000 creative projects from 92 countries.


Smart Txtbks はフィーチャ-フォン使用者が大半を占めている、e-book readerやタブレットを買う余裕のない家庭が多い国が適切だ。

DM9JaymeSyfeの共同経営者とチーフクリエイティブオフィサーのMerlee Jayme氏は、次は教育省にこの企画を通し、全国の学校に広める方針を述べた。計画の一部とし、古い携帯電話を寄付するキャンペーンを実行し公立学校の生徒に電話を普及すると付け足した。


mzarco1 English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear Seller, My Name is Mr Joe Smith from Scotland,I will like to buy your item to my Friend Nigeria. I will offer you $1,500USD item including the shipment charges via FedEx, EMS or DHL, Kindly reply me through Email ( Thanks

I will send the 2 missing heads right away and send the refund
We have not yet received the heads from TM but will let you know as soon as they arrive

Just thought you'd like to know the golf habit sent you $50.00 USD.

Get the details
Once the funds are there you can:
Pay online at thousands of stores that accept PayPal.
Withdraw the funds to your bank account (takes 3-5 days).
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私はスコットランドのMr Joe Smithです。あなたの商品をナイジェリアに住む友人に買おうと考えています。FedEx, EMSかDHLを通し、郵送を含め$1500 USDで買い取りたいです。


伝えておきますが、golf habit氏があなたに$50.00お送りしました。
