Megumi Walton (mzarco1) Translations

ID Verified
Almost 11 years ago
United States
English (Native) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mzarco1 English → Japanese
Original Text

i dont think white hair would be so bad ;p a lot of people do dye it though.. when i was younger,
i used to dye mine pink or blonde... ;D i wont do it now, because im afraid it will turn gray or white faster! O.O (and im just 33, so no thank you.. lol.) how old are you? (if you dont mind my asking.... maybe im a bit too personal.. )

and i dont know if it is popular because i dont talk to that many people and on facebook, nobody has ever mentioned it to me, so i doubt they know about it... im happy because i can watch my weight and eat snacks once in awhile.. as long as i keep my calories correct, im fine. :D *i dont eat many at a time any way, i have little time or im too tired to eat much after i leave work..*


白頭がそんなに恰好悪いとは思いませんけど ;P 染める人は多いですけれどね。私も若いころは、ピンクとかブロンドに染めてました…;D 現在は、白髪になりそうなのでしませんけどね!O.O(三十三歳なんで、まだ結構です(笑))あなたは、今何歳ですか?(是非害さないでください…私、個人情報について聞いてしまう性格なのかも)
