mura (mura) Translations

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Over 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mura English → Japanese
Original Text

The report lists the following as the top cyber crimes in India:

Computer viruses or spyware (60 percent)
Online scams (20 percent)
Phishing (19 percent)

While there are many kinds of online attacks happening around Asia, we at Penn Olson try covering some of the more noticeable ones. Our readers might remember the Chinese stalker who spied on girls through a webcam hack, and then blackmailed them with their nude photos. There was also the malicious Adobe Flash file that caused Gmail spear-phishing in China. It not hard to understand why there is a rising concern about cyber crime in India, and indeed across the whole continent.



コンピューターウイルスまたはスパイウエアー (60%)

アジア周辺で起こっている多種のオンライン攻撃があるが、Penn Olson(ペン・オルソン)スタッフの我々はもっとも顕著な例のいくつかを取り上げる。読者は女の子達をwebcam hack(ウエッブカメラでのハッカー)でスパイして、彼女らのヌード写真をつけた脅迫状を出していた中国人ストーカーのことを憶えておられるだろう。さらに中国でGmailによるspear-phishing(詐欺)を引き起こした悪意のAdobe Flash fileの例がある。インド、そしてこの大陸全土にわたりサイバー犯罪への関心が高まってきた理由は想像に難くない。