近所に60年住んでいた老夫婦が施設に入った。残された家と土地は建て売り住宅メーカーに売られた。老夫婦がいなくなってすぐに解体工事が始まりあっというまに更地になった。解体から建築 竣工まで記録する。解体工事がはじまった。老夫婦がいなくなって1週間も経っていない。60年以上生活をしてきた場所がたった5日間で更地になった。重機のアームが家の屋根にかかると、紙で出来た家のように簡単につぶれた。土地の真ん中に塀が出来た。2棟の住宅が建つようだ。
The elderly couple who have lived in the neighbor for sixty years moved into a nursing home, and their house and land were sold to a housing manufacturer/marketer company. The house was taken apart right after the couple left, and the land became an empty place. I record here from the house demolition to the completion of the new buildings. Although it was only five days after the elderly couple left their land, the place where the couple has spent their lives for over sixty years quickly turned into a vacant land. By the arm of the industrial machine, the house was easily crushed, as it was made out of a paper. The fence was placed in the middle of the land. Two residential buildings would be built on the land.
Hello,I apologize for my late reply.Because of the warranty by the delivery dealer does not work, once again I would like to ask another dealer for repairment.I am sorry for this inconvenient, and for that reason, will you send the merchandise back to me, please?I will pay this sending fee back through PayPal right after receiving the merchandise.If there is any other way that you would like me to solve this problem, please let me know.Best regards.