Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

mooomin Translations

ID Verified
Almost 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

This new app helps you personally get to know Taiwan’s finest street food sellers

Many cities across Asia have vibrant street food cultures, but Taipei might serve as the continent’s gold standard for cheap eats. Turn any corner and you’ll find vendors selling roasted sweet potatoes, Taiwanese rice balls, onion pancakes, fried rice, and an endless assortment of other tasty snacks.

But busy Taiwanese seldom have time to get to know the talented chefs that work their favorite stands every day, many of whom have stories to tell. Luckily, a team of Taiwan college students is working to change that with a new app Haoshi Ditu.




しかしながら、台湾人には毎日の中に、彼らのひいきの屋台の才能があり、そしてほとんどがこだわりを語りたがるシェフを、知ることの出来る時間があることはほとんどない。幸運なことに、台湾の大学生のチームが、Haoshi Dituという新アプリで、その状況を変えようとしている。

mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Close your active listings.

Note that temporarily suspending your listings using the Listing's Status feature will not close them. We would not be able to proceed with closing your account until you close your listings as follows:

Close any open listings through your seller account. Under Manage Your Inventory, click the "View your current inventory" link, then "Edit" for each title. On the next page, you'll have an option to close the listing. If you have multiple listings to close, you can check the boxes in the "Close Listing" column and click the "Save Changes" button to close the listings in bulk.



あなたの売主アカウントにある現在利用中の出品リストを全て閉鎖します。Manage Your Inventory(在庫管理)の下にある、「現在の在庫を見る」のリンクをクリック頂き、それぞれのタイトルについて「編集」をクリックします。次のページで、出品リストの閉鎖の選択肢が現れます。もし複数の出品リストを閉鎖したい場合は、「出品リストを閉鎖する」の欄のチェックボックスにチェックを入れ、「変化を保存する」のボタンをクリックすれば、複数の出品リストを一度に閉鎖できます。

mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

2. Settle your Payments account.

Finalize all sales, including refunds and returns. Disburse any remaining funds from your Payments account to your bank account. To settle your account, click on the "View your payments account" link under the Get Paid heading. You'll see the option to request a disbursement to transfer your funds. If there is a negative balance, wait for the next automatic settlement date, at which time we will charge your seller credit card for the amount due.

Once your listings are no longer available to buyers, all your sales are finalized, and there is no balance on your Payments account, your seller account will become inactive. We don't charge seller fees on inactive accounts.



返金や返品を含め、すべての売買を終了にする。あなたの支払アカウントにある残金を、あなたの銀行口座に入金してください。勘定の決算を行うためには、Get Paid(支払われる)の見出しの下にある「支払アカウントを見る」のリンクをクリックしてください。あなたの資金を移すための支払いを要求するオプションが現れます。もし赤字であれば、次の自動決済日までお待ちいただき、その時にあなたのクレジットカードから不足分を頂きます。


mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

Closing your account means that you will no longer have access to the following:

* Your Marketplace account
* Your accounts at,,,, or
* Your Wish List or About You page
* Your Associates account

You'd need to start a new account if you wish to order on our site, or take advantage of any other features that require a password. However, you may close your seller account and still retain your retail account if you want to continue purchasing from

Remember: Before we can close your account, you will need to complete the steps to ensure that your Seller Account is not active. These steps are:


*,,,, Amazon.caにあるあなたのアカウント



mooomin English → Japanese
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1. Close your listings
2. Settle your balance

Once these actions are completed, we will be happy to assist you with your account closure request. When you write back, please include the e-mail address associated with the account you'd like closed, and the name on the account, so that we can verify your identity. If you would like to close only the seller portion of your account, please specify this in your reply.

To request account closure, please go to the URL below:

I hope the information mentioned above helps in resolving your issue.

We truly appreciate that you take the customer service as the utmost priority is handling your buyers. We are very proud of the sellers like you in our Amazon family.


1. 出品リストを閉じる
2. 収支決算を行う





mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text


We are merging this contact into the existing case for this issue: 15xxxx. Please refer to this existing case ID for any future correspondence on this issue, and use the customized case URL of that case for contacting Seller Support about this issue.

Your customized case URL for case # 15xxxx:

Your Case Log can help you to efficiently manage your communications with Amazon Seller Support. To review your cases, click "Manage Your Case Log" on the right-hand side of the Seller Central home page. If you are unable to view the Manage Case Log section, contact the primary user of this account to request access to the section.

Ashwini Das O N




あなたのCase Log(案件のログ)は、あなたとアマゾン売り手サポートで行われたやり取りを管理するのに役立ちます。案件を再考察するには、売り手中央ホームページの右手にある「あなたのCase Logを管理する」をクリックしてください。もしManage Case Logのセクションが見れなければ、このアカウントのプライマリーユーザーに問い合わせ、セクションへのアクセスを要求して下さい。

mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

Military considered at least three years of estimated service life left. If the tube tests 50 on this tester it is considered reliable, quiet and well within its operating parameters.

There were various attempts made to deal with the mercury problem in the Type 83 tube. One solution was the 5Z3 tube. The 5Z3

tube uses a larger glass bulb and larger plates to handle the higher power. It also has a bigger heater so that it can emit

more electrons that are required for the higher power levels. The end result is a tube with twice the plate current as a type

80 or 5Y3 tube and slightly more plate voltage. For high power amplifiers, radios and TVs, this was just what was needed.




mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

5Z3 uses the same base and pin out as the Type 80 and Western Electric 274A tube, so it is actually possible to put a 5Z3 in a type 80 or 274A socket. This should be avoided the 5Z3 uses a 3amp heater whereas a type 80 tube and 274A tube uses a 2amp heater. Putting a 5Z3 in a 5Y3 circuit could cause the power transformer to overheat and fail.
Tube will be packaged in its repaired original factory box. All my tubes are shipped in a vertical position, especially DHT, Rectifier and Power Tubes to prevent damage. The tube will be mailed domestically via uninsured USPS First Class Mail and worldwide via uninsured USPS International First Class Mail. Package size 8”X 8”X 8” and Package mailing weight is 12 ounces.


チューブは、修理されたオリジナルの工場の箱に梱包される。私のチューブ、特にDHT、Rectifier とPower Tubeは、損傷を防ぐために全て垂直に立てられて配送される。チューブは無保険のUSPS(米国郵政公社)ファーストクラス郵便によって国内配送され、また無保険のUSPS国際)ファーストクラス郵便によって海外配送される。荷物の体積は8インチ×8インチ×8インチで、重量は12オンスである。

mooomin English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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Alibaba invests $15 million in US-based luxury e-commerce site

New York-based 1stdibs, an online American retailer for fancy interior design, decoration and fashion, just raked in $15 million in series C funding from Chinese e-commerce titan Alibaba, according to Recode.

In business for 13 years, 1stdibs (terrible name for such a high-brow retailer, by the way) isn’t exactly a startup anymore. It’s raised $117 million from previous investors, most of it since 2011.

The strategic investment will help Alibaba better serve China’s fast-growing consumer market for high-dollar luxury goods. 1stdibs CEO David Rosenblatt notes one-third of his company’s business is outside the US.



Recodeによると、豪華なインテリアデザイン、装飾品及びファッションを取り扱うオンライン米小売業者であり、ニューヨークを基点とする1 stbidsは、中国系e-コマースの巨大企業であるAlibabaから、1500万米ドルのCシリーズの財政的支援を受けたばかりだそうである。
企業から13年経つと言う意味では、1 stbids(教養のある小売業者としてはひどい名前である)はもはや新興企業ではない。以前までの投資家から既に1億1700万米ドル出資を受けており、ほとんどが2011年以降である。
Alibabaによる戦略的な投資は、中国で成長著しい、高級ラグジュアリー品の消費者マーケットへの提供と言う点において、Alibabaを助けるであろう。1 stbids CEOであるDavid Rosenblatt は、会社の三分の一のビジネスがアメリカ以外で行われると言及している。

mooomin English → Japanese
Original Text

Alibaba owns and operates C2C marketplace Taobao, the most popular e-commerce site in China, as well as Tmall, a B2C site for brand-name retailers.

Studies show that by 2015, China will account for over 20 percent of the world’s demand for luxury goods. While the market is still growing, however, Bain & Company reports growth is tapering off. Furthermore, Chinese shoppers do two-thirds of their luxury shopping abroad, “triggering slowdowns in store traffic and store openings domestically.” If this trend continues, Alibaba might have just put its money into a shrinking market gap.



ある研究によると、2015年には中国は世界中の高級品ニーズの20パーセント以上を占めるであろうと言われている。しかしながら、Bain & Company は、中国市場はまだ成長を続けているが、次第に衰えが見えてきていると報告する。更に、中国の消費者は高級品の購入の三分の二を海外で行っており、「国内の来店者数及び新規開店数の減少を生じさせている」。この傾向が続けば、もしかするとAlibabaは縮小する市場の隙間に、自らのお金を投入してしまったかもしれない。

mooomin English → Japanese
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Netseed Smart Life: a new gadget to control old gadgets

This smartphone-connected “butler” can control all your home’s infrared and wireless devices remotely. It’s essentially a universal remote you can operate from your smartphone. The biggest use case Netseed gives is air conditioning. Whether you left it on when you went to work, or you want to cool your home down an hour before you arrive, the butler can take care of it. The app interface shows the status of your devices as well as the indoor temperature and humidity. Netseed’s Smart Life has raised RMB 20,667 ($3,415) so far on Demohour, and fundraising ends on March 14.


Netseed Smart Life:古いガジェットをコントロールする新しいガジェット

このスマートホンに接続された「執事」は、あなたの家の赤外線および無線の全ての機器を遠隔でコントロールできる。これは、本質的にはあなたのスマートホンからあなたが操作できる、ユニバーサルな遠隔装置だ。Netseedが挙げる、もっとも大きな使用例はエアコンだ。出勤するときにつけたままでも、またあなたが帰宅する1時間前に冷やしたい時も、執事がそれの世話をしてくれる。アプリのインターフェースは、あなたの機器のステータス、それに室内温度及び湿度を表す。NetseedのSmart Lifeは、今までの所Demohourで20667人民元(3415米ドル)を稼ぎ出しており、その資金集めは2014年3月に終了する。