Could you please tell me what is the strap's length? Can you wear this bag across shoulder or the strap is not long enough?Could you please tell me what is the strap's length? Can you wear this bag across the shoulders like a messenger bag or the strap is not long enough and you can wear it on one shoulder only?
商品が無事に届いたようで安心しました。この商品は高額な商品なので、no returnに設定しています。理由をみても商品に誤りなどがあった訳ではないので、返品は受け入れられません。ただ、楽しみにしていた商品がイメージと異なったあなたのお気持ちもよく分かります。178ドルの一部返金をいたしますので気持ちを鎮めていただけませんでしょうか?
I'm releaved that the commodity reached to you. As I presort it to "no return", this is an expensive item. I cannot accept returning because the reason seems to be not by my mistake the item for others.However, I can understand your feeling that the goods which you were looking forward to receive was not what you expected.So, I offer you to refund USD178. Could you understand and accept the situation?