mmnn3693 Translations

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Over 9 years ago Female 30s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mmnn3693 English → Japanese
Original Text

since this also opens up the dialogue with international customers. This way you can offer rates for 99 percent of your orders but still catch any extra one-off sales. Often outside North America many customers address won't work with AVS verification so this gives another opportunity to get to know your international customers a bit better

I have shipping profiles set up for the 20 or so countries I normally ship to, however I ship worldwide which is why I enabled the Rest of World setting. Having an option in Rest of World to exclude certain countries would be a great asset to Shopify's shipping options.

Looks like I'll just disable Rest of World and alter my shipping rate message until there's a different fix



いつも発送している20くらいの国向けに設定したプロフィールを出荷しましたが、「Rest of World(世界のその他の地域)」設定に出来るため世界中に向けて発送しています。Rest of World設定に特定の国を除外できるオプションがあれば、Shopify発送オプションにとって良い機能だと思います。

異なる修正があるまでに、私はRest of Worldを無効にし、発送料金メッセージを変更させるでしょう。

mmnn3693 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

At the largest-ever Y Combinator Demo Day, pitching is down to a science

MOUNTAIN VIEW, California — Twice a year, the most influential incubator in the world, Y Combinator, holds a demo day for its most recent batch of companies.

This year, the largest batch ever — 114 companies — is taking the stage for a few short minutes each, hoping to connect with an audience of angel investors, venture capitalists, corporate business development types — and fellow entrepreneurs.

It’s like a graduation ceremony for the most elite university in the world. This year, YC partner (and alumnus) Sam Altman told the crowd, the company funded less than 2 percent of all applicants to the program.


過去最大規模のY Combinator Demo Day、科学分野にピッチ

世界で最も影響力のあるインキュベーター、Y Combinatorが、年2回、カリフォルニア州 マウンテンビューで、最新の企業を対象としたDemo Dayを開催している。


それは世界有数のエリート大学の卒業式のようだ。今年、YCパートナー(卒業生)であるSam Altmanは、企業が全応募者の2%未満を出資したと群衆に話した。

mmnn3693 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

With a 2 percent acceptance rate, just getting into YC is an accomplishment. Many of the 470-odd people who have checked in to today’s event are no doubt here to get access to these super-hot entrepreneurs, knowing that the founders have already passed a stringent vetting process. It almost doesn’t matter what the companies learned or did during the YC program. Indeed, it seems clear that YC takes a fairly hands-off approach relative to other incubators: The organization offers a lot of resources, including weekly lectures from famous entrepreneurs and investors, but in the end leaves it more or less up to the companies to motivate themselves, produce a product, and attract the next round.



mmnn3693 English → Japanese
Original Text


In the future, clean water could become a commodity more valuable than gold and platinum. Less than 1 percent of the Earth’s water is drinkable, and more than 80 percent percent of it is used for agriculture. With an ever-increasing human population, it’s clear we must find a way to divert some of that agricultural water to thirsty people.

Enter SenSprout, a leaf-shaped sensor that allows farmers to remotely measure rainfall and soil moisture levels. Of course, such sensors already exist – but deploying them across an entire farm can cost tens of thousands of dollars. SenSprout, on the other hand, uses printed circuit boards (courtesy of AgIC’s conductive ink) to cut the cost exponentially.





mmnn3693 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

I am trying to rent an apartment, but the company does not respond to my email requests. I really want this one or al least would like to know if I can rent it. I am going to try and open an account at mufg tonight. Another company contacted me and showed my another apartment, but I don't want to sign a lease before I know if I cannot rent the other place at all. I hate to bother you for this, but on Saturday if there is a free moment could you call the number and speak to them for me. I hate to bother you with this, but it has become slightly urgent. My family doesn't know this, but I caught my current roommate stealing from me. I need to leave as soon as possible. Sorry to bother you.

