Thank you for your purchased and for reaching us via e-mail. We have stated the time frame (8-15 days) in our listings because we don't want our customers to expect that his/her parcel will be delivered early. As sometimes there are instances that the shipper is having problem delivering parcels due to their own system delays. Should you need further assistance? Please don't hesitate to tell us.Thank you for your kind understanding,
Please not that we are willing to provide you with AAA-Shocks, offer you better prices and would even produce packages in english, if you are willing to manage the US-Market only, order minimum quantity of 5000 units and DO NOT interfere with the japanese market. This is important to us, since we have a running selling agreement with our partner in Japan.Note that AAA-Shocks is a product that has to be introduced well to the customers. Let’s say that you need to «educate» them to understand how to handle fragile parts like AAA-Shocks, since they have to be like this to provide the desired effects! THIS is essencial for a successful market entry.
私どもは喜んでAAA-Shocksを提供し、より良い価格を提示し、パッケージも英語でお作りしますが、それは御社が米国市場のみを対象として5000個以上を注文し、日本市場に介入なさらない場合です。これは非常に重要なことでして、私どもは日本のパートナーと経営販売協定を結んでおります。 AAA-Shocksという製品は、顧客に上手に紹介しなければなりません。言うなれば、顧客を教育して、AAA-Shocksのように壊れやすい部品の扱い方を理解させる必要があるのです。望む効果を出すためには、この繊細さが必要ですからね! これは、市場参入を成功させるために欠くべからざることです。