六花 (mistydream) Translations

5.0 2 reviews
ID Verified
Almost 8 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mistydream English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Please not that we are willing to provide you with AAA-Shocks, offer you better prices and would even produce packages in english, if you are willing to manage the US-Market only, order minimum quantity of 5000 units and DO NOT interfere with the japanese market. This is important to us, since we have a running selling agreement with our partner in Japan.
Note that AAA-Shocks is a product that has to be introduced well to the customers. Let’s say that you need to «educate» them to understand how to handle fragile parts like AAA-Shocks, since they have to be like this to provide the desired effects! THIS is essencial for a successful market entry.


 AAA-Shocksという製品は、顧客に上手に紹介しなければなりません。言うなれば、顧客を教育して、AAA-Shocksのように壊れやすい部品の扱い方を理解させる必要があるのです。望む効果を出すためには、この繊細さが必要ですからね! これは、市場参入を成功させるために欠くべからざることです。