Misako (misakosabit) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Tagalog
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
misakosabit English → Japanese
Original Text

Please can you provide us with some pictures of the defected areas on the clarinet, and please also provide us with a repair quote, as we might be able to look at covering the cost of the repair for you.

I can only apologise about this, it was inspected before it left, and so we will need to have a word with the technician also to confirm why these bits were not picked up before it left us.

The instrument you purchased from us was brand new so I'm unusure of the silver polish that you are mentioning on the instrument. We need proof of the faults before we can refund any money to you.

The picture of the repair estimate, was also not on the email that you sent through.






misakosabit English → Japanese
Original Text

The good news is we know that 90 percent of heart disease is preventable by reducing risk.
That means becoming or remaining a non-smoker, controlling or avoiding diabetes,...
...exercising 30 minutes most days, maintaining a healthy weight, eating the right foods,...
...and managing or reducing stress.
Heart disease increasingly affects women in developing countries.
Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian places a lot of blame on the global obesity epidemic.
People are getting chronic diseases not from eating too much but eating poorly, and so in fact,...
...what they're not eating is actually, probably, mostly what's harming them.
Dr. Mozaffarian recommends increasing our intake of fish, whole grains, vegetables,...


Dariush Mozaffarian医師は、世界中で肥満が広がっていることを非難している。

misakosabit English → Japanese
Original Text

Vincent is now taking her message to women in their homes.
Irene Pollin went into action when she learned this fact.
Heart disease was the number one killer of women.
Pollin founded an organization called "Sister to Sister"...
...that educates women about heart disease.
She encourages women to learn about their blood pressure, cholesterol levels,...
...and other risk factors.
The goal is really prevention, having people understand the risk that they should really..
...try to get screened, know their numbers, and then do something about it.
Pollin teamed up with cardiologists at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston,...
...with Dr. Joanne Foody focuses on prevention.


ポリンは女性たちに心臓について教える、「Sister to Sister」という組織を立ち上げた。
ポリンは、ボストンのBrigham and Women's Hospitalの循環器科医で、予防に注目しているジョアン・フーディ医師とチームを組んだ。

misakosabit English → Japanese
Original Text

When a man has a heart attack, it's often because of a blocked artery.
An x-ray of blood vessels, an angiogram, can usually spot a blockage caused by a build-up of plaque.
It involves threading a thin tube into a patient's arteries.
This is what an angiogram looks like.
But angiograms don't always spot problems in womens arteries.
That puts women at greater risk for a heart attack.
The World Health Organization reports that heart disease claims the lives of 18 million women a year.
And it's a disease that doesn't just impact older women.
Carrie Vincent had a massive heart attack after giving birth to her first child.
My God, I was 31 years old,...
...31 year olds don't have heart attacks.



misakosabit English → Japanese
Original Text

...Mary can follow the thread chronologically and see how the discussion progressed,...
...all together on a single page.
Another efficiency booster in Gmail is colored labels.
To quickly spot emails from her teammates,...
...Mary has created filters that put an orange label on all incoming messages from them.
With a quick glance at her inbox, she can see if her teammates have emailed her.
And for her most important, top priority messages, Mary assigns a star,...
...so she can easily return to them later.
But we all know that important information isn't just shared in email,...
...it's often sent by instant message.
Since Gmail's integrated with Google Talk,..
...Mary can email and chat from the same interface.



misakosabit English → Japanese
Original Text

Even if Mary archived David's email, she can find his message...
...by typing a few words into the Gmail search box.
Working quickly is also made easier with message conversations.
Let's say Mary sends an email to her team about planning a team dinner,...
...and then her first message turns into a handful after people respond with their restaurant preferences.
Instead of sorting through individual emails that are scattered throughout her inbox,...
...Mary can find all the replies about the team dinner in a single thread,...
...which are automatically grouped together as a single line in her inbox.
Because Gmail automatically groups related emails into conversations,...



misakosabit English → Japanese
Original Text

Our goal is to make a film that deeply explores the influences and experiences that have helped shape one of the most distinctive voices in modern cinema: David Lynch. It has been six years since we completed the first two parts of the documentary series and we are now ready to complete the third and final part. To do this we have chosen to partially finance the film via Kickstarter so that we retain 100% creative control of the film. We’re in the process of finishing the film, but need your help in order to do it. That’s why we’re reaching out to all David Lynch fans.

