mikioconyac Translations

ID Unverified
About 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mikioconyac Japanese → English ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text



虻や蜂等の変形凧で有名な愛知県安城市の桜井凧製作者 岩瀬仙松さん宅にて


I summarized the content of the material that I got. The document included with the package.

Gave me a copy of this article to me, One person involved in the production of a collection of prints at a young age,I am Mr. Eiichi Hasegawa.

ーー Sen's house in pine Iwase kite makers Sakurai Anjo, Aichi Prefecture,famous for its kite deformation such as horseflies and bees Taisho and early Showa engraving of kites have been discovered. People in the community,in order to leave to posterity a picture of these kites I have run off with one color ink prints of these over time. Work that is not enough just to put the power of the hand only, I was hard put to Valentin for the weight of the upper body,to quickly and evenly.

mikioconyac Japanese → English ★★☆☆☆ 2.4
Original Text

マスメディア/ NPO・社会貢献ボランティア/ 株式投資・資金運用/ 時事情報誌/ お金の貯め方・貯蓄設計/ 節税・税金の仕組み/ 起業・副業・転職/ 経営戦略・組織論/ 経営管理・マネジメント/ 金融市場・金融学/ 企業法務・会社の知識/ 会計・簿記/ 商業・経営情報誌/ 精神神経医学/ 体育学・スポーツ医学/ 伝統医学・東洋医学/ 幼児教育/ 保育学・保育士実務/ 家庭の教育・しつけ/ 学校・社会教育/ 小学生向け学習参考書/ 大学受験/ 専門学校ガイド/ 高卒認定・大検


Mechanics earn more of the mass media / NPO society contributed volunteer /stocks / funds management / current affairs information magazine / money /design / tax savings and tax knowledge / accounting / entrepreneurship, sideline and recruitment / management strategies and organization / management /management / financial markets and finance / corporate / company, bookkeeping / commercial / business information magazine / Psychiatry medicine / physical education, and sports medicine and traditional medicine, Oriental medicine / early childhood education / early childhood care and-nursery business / home of education / discipline / school-/ social education for elementary school children learning reference book / University of examination / professional school guide /high school diploma certified-daiken