mikang (mikang) Translations

ID Verified
About 10 years ago Female 50s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mikang English → Japanese
Original Text

たとえ私が注文していたとしても、届いた数が私は30個在庫があるか聞いたのに、送られてきた数は26個でした。 御社の在庫を確認して下さい。 私に4個送っていないのは明らかです。
Priority Mail Internationalなら$24.75で発送できるのに、今回あなたはUPSで発送したために私はとても高額な送料を請求されました。


I have received a parcel the other day. I just asked you if you have a stock for my customer's inquiries.
I got your reply, then I replied to my customer that there is a stock.
I did not mean that the order to you.
But the parcel has been sent from you suddenly.
Even if I had ordered, the numbers sent was 26 though I've asked the stock of 30. Please check the stock of your company. It is obvious that you did not send four to me.
Please refund immediately to my credit card for the amount of 4 items of shortage.
I will contact my credit card company if you do not refund me.
I am very angry how you sent me the parcel.
Why did you ship it by UPS?
I was charged $ 127.53 on top of the price for goods for the postage.
I have been in business with your company longer than a decade, having been shipped by USPS, why was it sent by UPS this time without permission?
It would be only $ 24.75 if it was sent by Priority Mail International, I was charged a very expensive shipping this time.
There was not even one trouble when Ron had been managed. There are many troubles since the management has been changed to you.
If your company will not show a sincere response, I will contact my credit card company to tell about this matter.

mikang English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

This is a new assignment for Native Instruments. It is the translation of the transcription of the videos on the website.

The original file are the srt file but we have already converted them into txt files for you.
You can either translate the srt file offline or the txt file in AGITO Translate.

Please do NOT change the layout of the file and do NOT include any hard line breaks. Please also make sure the time stamps do not overlap - please change them if needed, so that there's at least a break of a tenth of the second. This is important for the implementation of the file later on. Thanks.

Any questions, please let me know.


これはNative Instrumentsのための新たな設定です。ウェブサイト上のビデオを転写翻訳したものです。

SRTファイルをオフラインで翻訳するかまたは AGITO Translateでtxtファイルを翻訳してください。

ファイルのレイアウトを変更せず、任意のハード改行を含めないでください。また、タイムスタンプが重複していないことを確認してください - 必要に応じて少なくとも10分の1秒を開けるように変更してください。これは、後のファイルの実装のために重要です。ありがとうございます。
