まるこめ (marukome) Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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About 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
marukome English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

sir i pay camera price but ship is pay by u

Sorry but this is about an item, I could not find the number. It's about your Nikon F4S, 591 and 594: you listed them as junk because you did not properly test them. You also said they are functional so, in your opinion, do they work? Almost no one have camera properly tested for film, so I'd just like to know if camera powers up, fires and windings work.

You say you didn't check if the light meter works? If you check it and it's accurate I'm happy to bid for it :)

But I don't want to bid if it's not working.

What mount does this lens sport?



申し訳ないですが、これは商品のことで、品番を私はみつけることができませんでした。あなたのニコン F4S, 591 and 594のことです:あなたはきちんとテストしなかったのでジャンクとしてそれらを出品しました。 機能するともあなたはおっしゃいましたが、あなたの意見では機能するのですか?カメラを撮影のためにきちんとテストした人はほとんどいないので、カメラの電源は入るのか、ファイアーと巻きは機能するのか知りたいだけなのです。




marukome English → Japanese
Original Text

Is there anything we can offer you to retain you as a member with our company? Would you consider staying with us as our customer if I switched you to a Basic Account and waived the setup fees? With Basic Account you can keep your account open without having to pay further annual or monthly fees.

If you choose to keep your account open as a Basic Account rather than cancelling your account, you can avoid incurring the setup fee to re-open your account if and when you choose to use our services again in the future without having to pay a setup fee to reinstate your account.

I look forward to hearing from you. We have left your account open pending your reply.



