まるこめ (marukome) Translations

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About 10 years ago Female 40s
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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Swiss firm DKSH buys 20 per cent stake in Thailand's aCommerce

The amount is reportedly in eight digits (US dollars). New investment will allow aCommerce to expand to Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam

Switzerland-based market expansion service DKSH has acquired a 20 per cent stake in Bangkok-based e-commerce solutions provider aCommerce for an undisclosed amount, reportedly in eight digits (US dollars).

“Taking this strategic investment is a huge win for us because it allows us to expand faster into new markets like Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam and onboard hundreds of brands,” said aCommerce Group CEO Paul Srivorakul, in an official statement.




スイス拠点のマーケット拡大サービスDKSH社は、報道されるところでは8ケタ(米ドル)の未発表の値でバンコク拠点のe商取引ソリューション プロバイダーのaCommerce社株を20%取得した。

「この戦略的投資を受け入れたことは、我が社にとり、大きな勝利であります。このことによって、我が社はシンガポールやマレーシア、そしてベトナム等の新規市場により早く進出することができ、数百のブランドに参入できるようになるのです。」と、aCommerceグループ最高経営責任者(CEO)Paul Srivorakul氏は公式声明を出した。

marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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The move comes a few weeks after DKSH President and CEO Joerg Wolle expressed his continued commitment to invest in ASEAN companies.

aCommerce was founded in 2013 and helps companies like L’Oreal, Nestlé and HP build their performance marketing, platform development, delivery, payment solutions and customer service to boost e-commerce sales.

With 140 clients, the core aCommerce markets are Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia.

“With the combined strengths and infrastructure, aCommerce can now offer a complete solution for B2C or B2B clients for both online and offline,” Srivorakul added.


DKSH社長とCEOのJoerg Wolle氏がアセアン企業への投資に今後も関わっていくと表明した数週間後にこの動きがあった。

aCommerce社は2013年に設立され、L'OrealやNestlé、また HP等の企業が実績マーケティングやプラットフォーム開発、配送や支払ソリューション、またカスタマーサービスを構築し、e商取引の販売を高めるよう支援している。


「力とインフラを組み合わせ、aCommerce社は現在、B2C(個人顧客)や B2B(法人顧客)にオンライン、オフラインの両方で完璧なソリューションを提供することができます。」と、Srivorakul氏は付言した。

marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

“With this new product, we’ve shown that DJI can not only offer the ultimate aerial experience for the mass consumer, but also improve the efficiency of production and benefit so many others in all walks of life,” said DJi founder and CEO Frang Wang in a statement.

DJI zoomed into the spotlight this year when a new funding round valued the company at a claimed US$10 billion, making it one of Asia’s most valuable startups.

DJI is launching the Agras MG-1 in China first before it hits other markets. No price has been revealed.

The US earlier this year began approving some unmanned vehicles for use in farming, which bodes well for DJI once the MG-1 goes to new markets.


”この新製品によって我々は、DJI社が大量消費者に究極の航空経験を提供できるだけでなく、製造効率を高め、あらゆる職業の多くの人に恩恵を与えることもできることを示したのです。”と、DJI創設者であり、CEOのFrang Wangは声明を発表した。


DJI社は他の市場に進出する前に、最初は中国でAgras MG-1を販売する。価格は未定。


marukome English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

Ebay is such an anonymous place...especially when purchasing from someone thousands of miles away. I'm afraid I owe you an apology as I had no idea somebody could be so quick in Customer Service to have mailed that quickly...but you did...and should be commended for it. It was my mistake that I purchased the wrong version...you were just following through in excellent customer service. I'm afraid I just assumed the seller (you) were just not wanting to cancel the sale. My big mistake. Please accept my apologies...and even though this is not the version I intended to collect...it will sit proudly in my collection to remind me not to jump to conclusions. Ha!

