まるこめ (marukome) Translations

5.0 1 reviews
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About 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I'am hyun-san kim from korea.
I received kiku kitosan today.
But, I have a problem.
The Customs clearance matters are not settled.
because, up to 1000 US dollar, we could not pass.
so, i received 24 kiku kitosan today.
24 kiku kitosan will be return to you.
if you received kiku, can you send it again?
next time, if i buy 48 kiku kitosan, can you send 24 kiku kitosanfirst and 24 kiku kitosan again?
can you write down the price discount amount in invoice? because the tax is very expensive.
i can speake english little.
thanks for your kindness.
please reply it.


私は韓国のヒュン サン キムです。
今日、キク キトサンを受け取りました。
なので、今日24個のキク キトサンを受け取りました。
24個のキク キトサンが、あなたに返送されます。
次回私が48個のキク キトサンを購入したら、はじめに24個のキク キトサンを送ってから、24個のキク キトサンをまた送っていただけますか?

marukome Japanese → English
Original Text

進捗確認シートは、それぞれの具体策について、1ヶ月の実践計画及びその成果、結果、課題を毎月確認しました。進捗確認シートは日本語版、英語版を作成しました。途中、韓国の企業であるHIZEの研修生と交流もしました。これは、行動計画書、進捗確認シートの作成した資料です。HIZE研修生にはB787 SPAの生産工程を案内しました。これは案内中の写真です。3項目めは研修で成長した点、成果です。まずは研修で成長した点です。1つ目は自己認知です。2つ目はグローバル社会での仕事の進め方です。


As for the processing confirmation sheet, I have checked the practice plan for one month, its results, results, and assignments on each concrete measures every month. I have made the processing confirmation sheets both in English and Japanese. During the process, I have communicated with trainees of HIZE, a Korean company. This is a material made from an act planning paper, and processing confirmation sheet. I have shown the producing process of B787 SPA to the HIZE trainees. This is the pictures when I was showing them around. The third category is the points and results I acquired from the training. Firstly, this is the points I gained from this training. The first point is the self perception. The second is how to proceed in the global society.