Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

HocMoi , which means “new learning”, is different from DeltaViet in that it takes foreign courses and puts them online. The latter startup, on the other hand, focuses on getting Vietnamese courses on its platform.

Since HocMoi’s August launch, the site has accumulated just over 100 paying users on the site. In contrast, DeltaViet has over 500 paying students. This likely indicates that the market for online courses remains small, so at present it’s not clear yet if HocMoi or DeltaViet will be successful. Still, the need for education in Vietnam is palpable: education in Vietnam is struggling to keep up with the global trends and an economy that is in desperate need of an educated workforce.



8月のHocMoiのローンチ以降、 このサイトには100を超える有料ユーザを集めた。対照的にDeltaVietには500を超える有料会員生徒がいる。このことはネット授業の市場がまだ小さいことを示しているとみられ、現時点ではHocMoiやDeltaVietが成功できるかは明らかではない。ただし、ベトナムでの教育ニーズがあることは明らかだ。ベトナムでの教育は懸命にグローバルなトレンドや経済にキャッチアップしつつあるが、そこでは必ず教育を受けた人材が必要とされる。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Lending expertise to clients

With startups, bigger companies and advertising agencies as clients, Guillaume found the same problem facing all three. Prototype Asia has quite a good mix of customers, and is able to help users improve ideas and make feasible items. He said, “They have an idea about hardware but don’t really know how to [launch their idea] so we help them with that. We help them with proof of concept so they can show to investors. Later on, we can help them with production prototype.”

For the big guys, it’s not that different. Prototype Asia has both the speciality and experience to help the corporate companies, which might not have the expertise in building hardware.



顧客としてのスタートアップ、大企業、広告代理店とともに、Guillaumeはこれら三者が直面する同じ問題を目にしていた。Prototype Asiaの顧客ミックスはきわめて優れており、ユーザがアイデアを向上させ、ふさわしい製品を作る手助けができる。「彼らはハードウェアに関するアイデアを持っていますが、(アイデアを)どのようにローンチするかについては実際、よく分かっていません。だから私たちが手助けするのです。私たちは概念実証でお助けしますので、先方は投資家にお示しできるのです。後になって、生産プロトタイプでお助けすることができます」と彼は述べた。

大企業について言えば、これは別の話となる。Prototype Asiaは企業の助けとなる専門性、経験の両方を有している。こうした企業はハードウェア構築に関する専門能力を持っていないことがある。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Please note that when an item returns to our warehouse as "Customer Damaged" or "Defective", it is put into unfulfillable inventory. The seller account is not eligible for reimbursement in this case.

We at seller support always try our best to help our sellers to get credited accordingly. However, in situations like these we are bound by our policies and even if we want to proceed further we are unable to, as we cannot overpass our policies, and therefore do not have access of crediting your account for defective return.

If the unit was returned with disposition carrier damaged, damaged or wrong item sent, we could have issued reimbursement for these orders.



