Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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mars16 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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Tencent most recently led a US$350 million Series C round in Koudai Gouwu, a Chinese mobile shopping marketplace, on October 23, 2014 with four other investors. It also put up US$100 million of private equity in Guahao, an online medical service provider, on October 13, and US$3.5 million in seed funding for Tile, a valuables location-tracking device and app, on October 1.

Clearly Blink has some way to go to catch up with the likes of SnapChat, but this backing from Tencent could give it the first real shot at doing just that. For now, details on the company remain fairly scant in English-language media, but expect that to change before long.


Tencentはごく最近の2014年10月23日、3億5000万ドルのシリーズCラウンドをKoudai Gouwuという中国のモバイルショッピングマーケットプレイスに対し他の4投資家とともに主導した。また10月13日、1億ドルをGuahaoというオンラインメディカルサービスプロバイダに 、10月1日には350万ドルのシードファンドをTileという高価なロケーション追跡デバイス・アプリにそれぞれ投じた。


mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

My apologies for the long delay.

This past couple of weeks unfortunately was a very busy time for me and I wasn't able to mail your package as early as I wanted to. It is, however, already on its way to you and should arrive sometime within next week. As with my previous packages, I wasn't able to obtain the tracking service since it is extremely expensive with Canada Post (about $20 extra).

Thank you so much for your patience and once again I apologize for the delay.

Also, for future orders after your package arrives, I would be happy to provide you with a discount if you decide to place a large order. We can discuss that in the future if you like.



申し訳ありませんが、この数週間はとても忙しく、当初望んでいたほど早く荷物を送ることができませんでした。けれども荷物は現在そちらに向かっており、来週中には到着する予定です。以前の荷物と同様に追跡サービスをつけることができませんでした。カナダポストのこのサービスはとても高いからです (20 ドルほど追加)。



mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Years later, both of them would come up with similar names for their companies. Bezos wanted Cadabra, a name that signified magic. Ma wanted Alibaba, hoping that the name would open doors with an “open sesame”. But that might be as similar as they can get: ecommerce and magic.

These origin stories are tell-tale signs of two diverging philosophies and the companies they gave birth to. And yet they meet in some inroads. Just one month after Alibaba’s IPO, let’s take a deeper look at the two founders and the companies that are destined to shape the future of online retail.




mars16 English → Japanese
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Putting customers first?

Amazon is notorious for its obsession with customers. In fact, it’s Bezos’ go-to mantra and arguably his number one rule when it comes to how the culture of Amazon should be set. Bezos is a customer-centric founder:

We have so many customers who treat us so well, and we have the right kind of culture that obsesses over the customer. If there’s one reason we have done better than of our peers in the Internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience, and that really does matter, I think, in any business. It certainly matters online, where word of mouth is so very, very powerful.





mars16 English → Japanese
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This divergence is profoundly clear when you dig into stories about Amazon’s dealings with small businesses. In 2006, Amazon throttled the sales of a 200-year-old German business selling knives. In 2007, when Amazon released the Kindle, it didn’t reveal the US$9.99 price to publishers until the day of the release. And just this year, Amazon is making it harder for customers to buy books from publisher, Hachette, all because, as Forbes notes, “Amazon wants a bigger piece of its suppliers’ profit margins to purportedly pass on to its customers in the form of lower prices.” Amazon functions like a monopolistic empire.



mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

You just won’t see this kind of behavior at Alibaba. The philosophy is poles apart from Amazon’s. This is what Jack Ma had to say on this very topic at Stanford in 2011:

I believe in the internet time, there is no empire thinking. I hate the empire. Empire thinking means join me or I’ll kill you. And I don’t like that model. I believe the ecosystem. [...] I believe everybody should be helping each other, connecting each other. It’s an ecosystem. So Taobao become so big, so fast, and I worry about that. Give the industry some opportunity, give the competitors some opportunity.


こうした振る舞いはAlibabaにはみられない。その哲学はAmazonのものと対極にある。このトピックについてJack Ma氏が2011年にスタンフォード大学で語らなくてはならなかった内容は以下の通り。
