吉原 博克 / Hirokatsu Yoshihara (likeluke) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago Male 50s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
likeluke Japanese → English
Original Text



The Fushiki District - it is an area that has been formed with a lot of debris and scrappage with highly-densed pollutants cumulated.

One day, an investigation team from a country X got into its fifth block, the most poluted area in the district, and dicovered a newly evolved form of Cyber Dharma, which had not been ever found.

Its body is as large as 10 meters high, standing on the wasted machines scattered around, in front of the sunlight diffused in the poisonous air. At the center of its breast - was it a vestige of the wartime? - was equipped an organ which seemed to be a large laser cannon.

The team carried it to a temporary laboratory located in the mountains, 20 kilometers away from the Fushiki District, and launched a detailed investigation of its ecological state.