kirschbluete Translations

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About 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kirschbluete Japanese → German ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text






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kirschbluete English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

PAGE 164-1
What are we to make of Bill Gates rise to prominence? As Randall E. Stross, author of The Microsoft Way, puts it: 'Essentially, we have two choices. On the one hand, we can accept a characterization of Gates as the Antichrist, Microsoft as the evil empire, its software as junk, and the company's success as rooted in deceptions, outright lies, legal trickery, and brute-force marketing. On the other hand, we can take the company at its own word that it has benevolently ushered in the personal computer revolution and that its market success is the just reward for the service it has rendered the public.'


ページ 164-1
『マイクロソフトの道』の著者、ランドール E.シュトロースが言うには:

kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 160-2
7 Assume the visionary position
Bill Gates was one of the first of a new type of business leader. Over the years, he repeatedly demonstrated that he was the closest thing the computer industry had to a seer. His in-depth understanding of technology and unique way of synthesizing data gave him a special ability to spot future trends and steer Microsoft's strategy. This also inspired awe among Microsoft fans and intimidated competitors.

8 Cover all the bases
A key element of Microsoft's success is its ability to manage a large number of projects simultaneously. Gates himself is the original multitasking man, and is said to be able to hold several different technical conversations simultaneously.


ページ 160-2

7. 幻想的な状況の想定

8. 万全の準備

kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 141-2
Whatever the limitations of his vision, Gates has been the closest thing the computer industry has to Leonardo Da Vinci, the famous Renaissance futurist whose drawings of fantastical machines became a reality centuries later.

Apart from his collection of sports cars and a multimillion dollar mansion on the outskirts of Seattle, Gates is surprisingly restrained in his spending. But there is of course that glorious exception, his purchase of the Leicester Codex by Leonardo Da Vinci for $30.8 million. There are those that have suggested Gates sees himself as a latter-day Da Vinci - someone whose visions of the future are proved accurate in following centuries.


ページ 141-2


スポーツカーのコレクションや、シアトル近郊にある数百万ドルの大邸宅は別として、ゲイツの支出は驚くほど控え目だった。しかし、レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの作品”レスター手稿”に3080万ドルで購入という壮大な例外もある。ゲイツは現代のダ・ヴィンチのようだと示唆する人もいる。- 将来のビジョンは、世紀に続くことが証明される人 -

kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

This ability to cope with a multitude of ideas at the same time is reflected in the company's approach. Microsoft is constantly exploring new markets and new software applications. This blanket coverage of the market helps protect the company from missing the significant developments in the industry. And, as Gates was aware, the strategy allowed for the occasional failure.
'We have a multiproduct strategy, so while we may have several individual products that have done poorly, when you look at the mix we've done extremely well', said Gates. 'We also have lots of people working on anyone question at any one time. To see it working you only have to look at our sales growth; it's almost a straight line going up.'



kirschbluete German → Japanese
Original Text

①Here's the seller's Cancellation or return policy information for the item * Nivella Sollingen Besteckkoffer 23/24 Hartvergoldet 72 Teile * NEUWERTIG

Hi genryu.
We hope you enjoy your new purchase. In the unlikely event that you aren't satisfied with your purchase, we've included the seller's Cancellation or return policy information
Sale price: EUR 99.90
Seller: flokoja12 [contact seller]

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Widerrufs- und Rückgabebelehrung (gültig ab 04.08.2011)
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1. 販売者の商品取り消しもしくは返品条件情報はこちらです。
*Nivella Solingen ナイフ・フォーク・スプーン一式セット トランク入り 23/24 硬度の高い金メッキ 72パーツ
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kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

'We went to China for a lot of reasons', Gates said. 'Partly to relax and have fun. We found a few McDonalds there, so we didn't feel too far away from home. It was also exciting to go and see all the changes taking place, to see different parts of the country, and to meet some of the leaders.'

But the trip was more than a vacation for the two buddies. As ever, Gates had his eye on the bottom line. 'China is a market that Micro-soft had already been investing in', he said at the time. 'We've upped that a lot since then. As a percentage of our sales, though, it's tiny - well under 1 % - and so even though it will double every year for the next five years,


「いろいろな理由から、私達は中国に行った」ゲイツは言った。 理由の一つは、リラックスと楽しむため。そこにはいくつかのマクドナルドがあることが分かった。だから、家からそんなに遠い感じがしなかった。さらに、さまざまな変化が起きるのを見て、国の異なる部分を見て、そして、リーダーの数人に会うことは刺激的だった。

しかし、旅行は仲間2人のための休暇を越えるものであった。いつものごとく、ゲイツは最終結果に目を向けていた。「中国はマイクロソフトがすでに投資していた市場です」当時、彼は言った。「あれ以来、ずいぶん増加させた。 私達の販売割合として、だけど、とても小さいね。- 良くて1%以下 - そうだとしても、以後5年間、毎年2倍になるだろう。」