keydaimon Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
keydaimon English → Japanese
Original Text

Game Ventures’ Howzat Hits 1 Million Active Gamers, Shares Some Secret Sauce

Today Zaki Mahomed, founder of Game Ventures, shared a graph on his Facebook showing that Howzat, a Facebook Cricket sport game, had crossed the one million active users mark. The screenshot graph shows a linear increment in monthly active users. It’s good growth to have as an entrepreneur, so I asked Zaki what’s the secret behind it. He didn’t hesitate to reply, saying,

We take user actions seriously. Understanding the levers of your product and then building for retention. It’s not easy so most people don’t like it.



ゲームベンチャー社の創設者Zaki Mahomed氏は,自らのフェイスブックにHowzatとフェイスブッククリケットスポーツゲームのアクティブユーザ数が1億人を超えたグラフを掲載した。スクリーンショット上のグラフによるとアクティブユーザが毎月,線形(一次関数的)に増加している。企業家としては順調な伸びであるため,成功の秘訣をZaki氏に伺ってみると,隠す様子もなく以下のように話した。


keydaimon English → Japanese
Original Text

iftables were developed as a platform for hands-on interactions with digital information and media. They are small computers that display graphics on their top surface and sense one another and how they are being moved. Siftables were the prototype for Sifteo cubes.

Siftables were created by David Merrill and Jeevan Kalanithi when they were graduate students at the MIT Media Lab. Merrill and Kalanithi are friends from their undergraduate years at Stanford, where they both majored in symbolic systems, Merrill focusing on human-computer interaction and Kalanithi on artificial intelligence and neuroscience.



SiftalbesはDavid Merrill,Jeevan Kalanithi両氏がマサチューセッツ工科大学・メディア研究室の大学院生だったの頃に開発されたものである。Merrill氏とKalanithi氏はスタンフォード大学の学部生に在籍していたころからの友人であった。学部生の頃,両氏は知能システム論(symbolic systems)を専攻しており,その中でもMerrill氏はコンピュータと人間工学(human-computer interaction),Kalanithi氏は人工知能と神経科学(artificial intelligence and neuroscience)をそれぞれテーマとしていた。

keydaimon English → Japanese
Original Text

Merrill and Kalanithi were surrounded by colleagues at the Media Lab who were working on wireless sensor networks (e.g. the Tribble project,[1]) and tangible user interfaces (e.g. Topobo [2]).Merrill and Kalanithi wanted to create a general-purpose tangible user interface that leveraged the technologies of wireless sensor networks. From this idea came the idea of interactive tiles that would enable people to interact with collections of virtual objects—digital pictures, document files, etc.—in the same way that people interact with collections of small physical objects like LEGOs —another common sight at the Media Lab.


Merrill氏とKalanithi氏はメディア研究室では,トリブルプロジェクト(Tribble project, [1])をはじめとした無線センサーネットワークや,トポーボ(Topobo [2])など人が理解しやすいユーザインタフェースの研究者に恵まれていた。そのような環境でMerrill氏とKalanithi氏は,無線センサネットワークの技術を大いに活用し,より直観的なインタフェースを備えた汎用的なデバイスの作成に取り掛かった。

keydaimon English → Japanese
Original Text

The initial applications envisioned for Siftables were organizing personal media (digital photos, songs, videos) and facilitating business processes, such as coordinating people, distributing tasks, and creating Gantt charts.he was invited to present Siftables at the 2009 TED Conference, held in Long Beach / Palm Springs February 3-7, 2009. During his talk, he demonstrated several applications on Siftables: portraits that reacted to being placed next to one another, mixing colors from "paint buckets" on adjacent cubes, building the Fibonacci sequence with an arithmetic application, creating words by arranging individual letters, an interactive graphical narrative for children, and constructing a music sequence.

