Kenji Yoshida (kenz_yoshida) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Los Angeles
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 41-1

Management guru Tom Peters points to a day in mid-1992 as the day the world changed. At that moment, the stock market valuation of Microsoft exceeded that of General Motors for the first time. On that day Wall Street put a higher value on Microsoft, which owns virtually no physical assets, than it did on GM, with all its factories, offices and inventory. The idea would have been unthinkable just a few decades ago.

By investing so much of the company's revenues in R&D, Gates constantly added to Microsoft's reservoir of intellectual capital. According to Johan Roos, president of Copenhagen Business School, GM symbolizes the industrial era


GM 対 マイクロソフト



kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text


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kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text


This Net Enclosure is designed for trampolines without enclosure net. It offers everything you need to set up the enclosure; tubes, a sturdy net, foam for pole frames, and all the hardware.


• Brand New :AOSOM
• Creates a fun jumping environment without limiting visibility
• Net: PE mesh netting
• Rust-resistant galvanized steel frame
• Enclosure steel tube: 24 pcs; Diameter 1.1 inch, 1.2 mm thick (hot deep galvanized)
• Sturdy straps and ropes for securing net onto trampoline
• Foam padded frame poles provide additional protection
• Included:
15 ft net enclosure
Pole pads


このトランポリン用のネットエンクロージャは円形縁ネットなし仕様で設計されている。 円形縁、チューブ、頑丈ネット、棒状フレーム用のフォーム、そして全ての必要な部材が含まれている。

・ブランド : AOSOM
・ネット: ポリエチレン製網ネット
・エンクロージャ鉄製フレーム: 24子、直径 1.1インチ、1.2mm厚(鉄合金)

kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text

Global warming is happening because humans have altered the Earth's atmosphere so the heat cannot escape from it. We need some heat, of course. Carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor retain enough heat from the sun to sustain life on Earth. But human activity has disrupted that balance. We've put carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere in massive amounts by burning fossil fuel, oil, gas and coal. We've cut down a lot of forests and use farming methods that add to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Now, there's too much carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the air. Today, the atmosphere contains 32 percent more carbon dioxide than it did in the mid-1800s.


人類が熱を大気から放出できず、地球の大気を変えてしまっているので地球温暖化は起こっている。もちろんある程度の熱は必要ではあるが。二酸化炭素、メタンそして水蒸気は地球上の生命を維持するのに太陽から十分に保たれている。しかし、人類の活動がそのバランスを壊してしまっている。 人類は化石燃料、石油、ガスと石炭を燃やすことで待機中に大量の二酸化炭素と亜酸化窒素を排出してきている。そして、人類は多くの森林を伐採し、大気中に温室ガスを増加させるような農業手法を採用している。そこで、大量の二酸化炭素、メタンと亜酸化窒素を空気中に残してしまっている。今日(こんにち)、大気は19世紀中期よりも二酸化炭素が32%以上増加して含まれている。