aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

With regard to the Girls in Tech Singapore chapter, that initiative grew to over 600 members in just a couple of months. Managing a non-profit organization virtually poses two challenges: How does Adriana motivate the managing directors of each chapter? And how does she manage to grow her member base so quickly?

In the video interview above, Adriana tells us that she leads by example. Regardless of the circumstances or challenges posed to her, she continues to work hard and is dedicated to build her passion around technology startups. She hopes to empower, engage, and educate women in technology, and is driven to make Girls in Tech succeed.


Girls in Techのシンガポール支部については、その取り組みによってたった2ヶ月でメンバー数は600を超えるまでに成長した。非営利組織の経営しようとすると2つの課題が持ち上がる。Adrianaは各支部のマネージングディレクターをどうやって動機づけるだろうか?そしてどのよう速いペースで成長するメンバーベースをいかに管理するのだろうか?

上の動画インタビューにおいて、Adrianaは手本を示すことによってリードするのだと話している。課題や状況にかかわらず、彼女は一生懸命働き続け、テクノロジー関連スタートアップに対して情熱を傾けることに専心する。彼女はテクノロジー分野の女性たちに自信を与え、エンゲージし、教育することを望んでおり、そしてGirls in Techの成功に向かって突き進んでいる。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Was the move to Singapore worth it? Does Adriana miss her family and her friends?

She admits, yes, but communication tools like Skype have helped her to stay connected to her loved ones back home. In Adriana’s words:

It is a sacrifice but also an opportunity. I’m learning a lot about doing business in another part of the world, [where] the economy is thriving and people are eager to learn from those of us who have lived in Silicon Valley for many years. I most likely won’t be here forever, but for the time being – I’m living everyday as if it was my last – enjoying what I do, the people who I surround myself with, and focusing on the things that make me smile.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Since everyone is social, how do you stand out from the rest?

It is a no-brainer these days that brands must use social media to strategically communicate and build relations with their customers. However, with everyone using social media, how can your brand stand out from the rest?

According to, there has been a 65% increase in engagement just one month after Facebook introduced timeline for brands. By this, I believe that a strong differentiating factor for your brand is visual content. After all, people love to see and share visual content because it brings an element of entertainment to the learning process, which reflects well on your brand.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

One of the successes of Pinterest and Tumblr was its visual element. Not only had it fuelled our obsessions for beautiful photography and sensational design, it has created consumer trends whereby consumers now take more pleasure in visual evocations. In the past, marketers were spreading the message that “content is king” but now, it could possibly be that “visual content is king”.

If visual content is not part of your marketing strategy for social media, you could be missing on many of the viral benefits that visual content can create for your brands. Take a look at what these big brands are doing on their Facebook Fan pages and how they are very effectively engaging their fans.


