aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

The mobile market will be restricted. One of China’s tech regulatory bodies, MIIT, is planning to reach its cold, bony hands into the world of mobile app development and sales. Exactly how that will turn out isn’t yet clear, but MIIT’s regulatory processes are the reason an iPhone takes an extra three months to come out in China. App developers are understandably concerned that they’re going to be slowed down — which can be a death sentence in the fast-paced mobile ecosystem — or censored, or very possibly both. Whatever happens with this round of regulation, I would guess that this won’t be the only time we see MIIT interfering in the mobile space in 2013.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Now, are there some signs of good things, too? Of course. Smartphone and broadband penetration are up and will likely continue climbing rapidly throughout next year. Internet speeds are getting faster, and we might even see China’s first 4G network in 2013 (but probably not). Still, though, speed and access are less meaningful when the number of things you can actually do on China’s internet seems to be dwindling by the day.

I think 2013 will be the worst year ever for the web/tech industry in China. Here’s hoping that I’m really, really wrong.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Rakuten brought much discipline into his company. He mentioned repeatedly that one of the most important lessons he learned from Rakuten was to set key performance indicators (KPI) and make them understandable and actionable at individual level. So let’s take that $10 million sales target as an example. This organization target could be broken down into groups and then down to an individual level. For example, if John is set to hit $300,000 worth of sales, then what would it take for him to hit that target? To illustrate my point, I have assumed some numbers below:

・His deal/close rate is five percent
・The target per deal is at $10,000
・Each work day, he can speak to a maximum of three potential clients




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

According to the figures above, we can calculate that each month John can pitch a maximum of 60 times. So if he does that, he should be able to achieve $30,000 worth of sales (60 x 5% x $10,000). That means John should be able to hit his sales target in ten months if he works hard enough. With the figure broken down to an individual level, the numbers have now become actionable.

John now knows he is required to make a total of 600 sales pitches to hit his $300,000 KPI for the year. Anything above 600 sales pitches will give him a better chance to outperform his KPI. Most importantly, John can now see in more tangible terms that the figure is achievable.


上記の数字からすると、ジョンには毎月、最高60回のセールスチャンスがあるとわかる。だから60回セールスを行うならば、ジョンは毎月3万ドル相当の売り上げ(60 x 5% x 10,000ドル)を達成することが可能だ、ということになる。これはつまり、ジョンがセールス目標を達成するためには10ヶ月間、懸命に働かなくてはいけないことを意味する。このように個人レベルまで数字を落とし込むことによって、やっと実行可能な数字となるのだ。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Mobile Union

Taobao had already had partners on the mobile end before the official announcement of the Mobile Union. A number of mobile browsers, third-party app markets, app developers and mobile phone manufacturers became partners, according to Chong Shan, head of Taobao Mobile Union (article in Chinese).

More than fifty mobile shopping apps such as Meilishuo and Mogujie became perfect matches. They earned half the total revenue shares, about 50 million yuan ($8mn), on the mobile end in 2012. It is estimated the total transactions on Taobao’s mobile apps will reach 50 billion yuan ($8bn) in 2012, covering 150 million users.


Mobile Union

TaobaoはMobile Unionについて発表する前から、すでにモバイルにおけるパートナーがいた。Taobao Mobile UnionのトップであるChong Shan氏によると、多くのモバイルブラウザ、サードパーティーアプリマーケット、アプリ開発者と携帯電話製造業者がパートナーになった、とのことだ(中国語の記事)。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Tanx - Taobao Ad Network Exchange

Tanx, launched in 2011, now covers 50% of the total traffic on Alimama platform. The number is expected to reach 80% in next year, according to Ding Shan, head of Tanx (source in Chinese).

In 2011, Taobao Union opened its advertising services to all third-party B2C retailers. A number of independent e-commerce players, such as Coo8, Yihaodian, Vancl, signed up to the transaction-based ad program. Alibaba Group also has Etao, a shopping search service that offers advertising options only to Taobao retailers and third-party B2C retailers, so far.


Tanx - Taobao広告ネットワークエクスチェンジ

2011年にリリースされたTanxは現在、Alimamaのプラットフォーム上における総トラフィック数の50%を占めている。TanxのトップであるDing Shan氏によると、この数字は来年、80%に達すると予想されるとのことだ(中国語の情報源)。

2011年、Taobao Unionは自社広告サービスをサードパーティーのB2C小売業者に対して解放した。すると、Coo8、Yihaodian、Vanclのような多くの独立したネット通販業者がトランザクションベースの広告プログラムに登録した。Alibaba Groupはさらに、今のところはTaobaoの小売業者およびサードパーティーのB2C小売業者限定で広告オプションを提供する、Etaoという名のショッピング検索サービスも備えている。