阿部 克将 (katsumasaabe) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 9 years ago Male 40s
Japanese (Native) English Spanish
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
katsumasaabe English → Japanese
Original Text

The selling limit on your account is based on the number and dollar amount of open (active) items and successfully sold items per calendar month.

You can now sell up to 25 items monthly or up to $7,600 .00 monthly.

Please remember that this includes multi-quantity listings which can greatly influence this number.

If you do reach one of these limits during the course of a month you won't be able to list additional items or increase the price or quantity of your active items until some of your items end without a winning bidder or until the 1st of the next calendar month, (If you are still exceeding the maximum selling amount at the first of the next calendar month your selling activity will continue to be blocked.)





katsumasaabe English → Japanese
Original Text

Fresh off their selection to top-notch acceleration program NUMA Sprint and making the finals last month at leading tech event B Dash Camp in Japan, PopUp Immo founder Mohamed Houache discusses their vision, the unique value they deliver both brands and commercial retail, and their plans to quickly ramp-up internationally, particularly in Asia.
What is PopUp Immo about and what’s special about what you do?
PopUp Immo is a retail revolution. What we do is enable brands, artists, designers to find retail space for short-term duration. Although it’s mostly an innovation of service rather than technology, we can say that we’ve been impacting the future of some brands.


NUMA Sprintの最優秀アクセレレーションプログラムに選ばれ、先月、日本での主要な科学技術系のイベントであるB Dash Campで最終選考まで残った後で、PopUp Immoの創業者であるMohamed Houacheは彼らのビジョン、ブランドとリテール両方にもたらした独自の価値、そしてグローバル、特にアジアでの市場拡大をすぐにでも行いたいという計画について語った。

PopUp Immoとは何でしょうか?そして、何が特別なのでしょうか?


katsumasaabe English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Before PopUp Immo there was essentially no cost-effective way for smaller brands or brands not based in Paris to engage directly with their customers at retail. What these brands really wanted to test the Paris or French market at low financial risk to them. To do this they needed flexibility as well as visibility on the cost of booking a boutique for two or three days.
Prior to our launch there was no marketplace like this, meaning essentially that there was no transparency or efficiency around this type of service. As the leading marketplace in France offering rental of short-term retail space, we’re addressing a real, basic need.


「PopUp Immoが出来る前は、より小規模なブランドやフランスに拠点を置いてないブランドが、直接お客様と取引するコストパフォーマンスの高い方法というのは小売業界では実質存在しませんでした。彼らのようなブランドは、低い金銭的なリスクでパリやフランスの市場で試してみたいと本気で思っているんです。そのためには、2、3日間店を予約するためのコストについての柔軟性や透明性が欠かせませんでした。以前にはこのような市場は存在しなかったんです。つまり本質的に言って、こういう種類のサービスにおいては透明性や効率性というものは無かったということです。短期間の小売のレンタルスペースを提供するフランスの主要市場のように、我々は基本的で実在するニーズを扱っているんです」。

katsumasaabe English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Another advantage which we didn’t anticipate is that pop-up stores are also bringing more life back to particular areas of Paris. After we launch a Pop Up store and the brand does a good job at communicating and delivering an experience, people want to come back to the area. For example, last December we had a collective of 10 small men’s accessories brands come together to book a Pop up store on small street in the Sentier district. They promoted like it crazy and the store became the top Pop up store during that month. Following that success, we now we have all types of brands wanting to book that space.
How are you reaching the owners of these spaces to get them on your platform?
They’re now contacting us.





katsumasaabe English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

We really are helping both sides of the marketplace. For private owners and real estate agents they have a few issues. Many really want to reinvent the DNA of the space. Others just want to rent the space temporarily until they can find a more permanent long-term tenant. So as with brands, we can offer owners and agents flexibility.
What about all the services around it. Do you help in the conception of the Pop up store experience (design, promotion, etc)?
Not yet. We’re still a very small team and if we expand into an agency business where we connect brands with designers, advertising agencies, etc, you can create an ecosystem around PopUp Immo.




「いえ、まだです。我々はまだ小さなチームですし、もし我々がブランドとデザイナーや広告代理店等を結びつける仲介ビジネスに手を広げるなら、あなたはPopUp Immoのまわりに生態系を作れますね」。

katsumasaabe English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The fact that I was a finalist was a big surprise because there were truly some other fantastic projects as well. Just being there for me was like the final. Being the only European company as a finalist and having such great feedback after the final was a big success for us. What I realized is that we’ve really developed a compelling story around the marketplace and that’s a unique angle.
I understand you also traveled to Hong Kong during your visit to Asia last month. What are your thoughts on opportunity in Japan and elsewhere in Asia?
I’ll start with the Japanese market, which is very unique and has several appealing characteristics for PopUp Immo. Customers have a lot of purchasing power.




「まず日本から始めようと考えています。非常に独特ですし、PopUp Immoにとって魅力的な特徴をいくつも持っているんです。日本の消費者の購買力はとても高いですしね」。