Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

4.9 315 reviews
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Over 8 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Computer Hardware Computer Software
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Based on our previous experience, we usually charge credit cards from our clients through our Wells Fargo Online Merchant (our previous customers told us their credit card info). If you don't feel comfortable doing that, since PayPal requires 5.5% transaction fee, would you mind transferring the amount to my personal PayPal account? I do recommend charing your Credit Card through Wells Fargo Merchant service though.

We can do sealed packaging for each item with our logo stickers OR we can put a few items into bigger PU bags with our logo stickers. It's really up to you but please let us know.
Attached you can find your invoice. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any other concerns.


これまでの経験から、お客様へは通常、弊社のウェルス・ファーゴ・オンライン・マーチャント(弊社の以前のお客様から頂いたクレジットカード情報)経由で代金を請求させていただきます。もし、この方法がお気に召さないようでしたら、PayPalの取引手数料の 5.5%を加算して、私個人のPayPalアカウントに代金をお送りいただけますでしょうか? しかし、ウェルス・ファーゴ・マーチャント・サービスで使うクレジット・カードをご利用なさることをお勧めいたします。


ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

1. PRICING. I am sorry about confusion but a lot of the listings on my store has multiple pricing to meet different needs, if you go to those listings, you will see a drop-down menu with different prices (for example, non-LED version is $21, LED version is $26, adding a crown is extra $3, and so on). I assume all your orders are based on LED feature, I have created a Excel document that I attach here and I fixed the pricing for No. ①⑦⑩⑪⑫, i also highlighted them into yellow so you know why the subtotal is different than yours.


1. 価格について。私の店舗の商品の多くの出品につきましては、多様なご要求に対応するために複数の価格が掲載されており、分かり難くて恐縮ですが、それら出品のページをご覧いただくとわかりますように、ドロップダウン・メニューから異なる価格の商品の詳細が掲載されています。(たとえば、LEDの無いバージョンは21ドル、LED付きのバージョンは26ドル、クラウンを追加した場合は3ドルの上乗せ、などです。) お客様のご注文はLED有のものがベースであると考えておりますので、私はエクセルで資料を作成し、添付いたしました。(1),(7), (10),(11)と(12)の価格を修正してあります。また、黄色でハイライト表示してありますので、小計の額がなぜご注文と異なるのかがわかりやすくなっています。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Following our communication on the 16th November, we have reviewed the majority of inventory affected by the operational incident. However some of your units are still in reserve status as a result of the incident. We expect to have evaluated all the remaining inventory by midday on Monday 21st November. Between now and then this inventory will either become available to customers again or will be automatically reimbursed as per the standard FBA Lost and Damaged Inventory Reimbursement Policy .

After midday on Monday 21 November if any of your inventory still shows as “reserved” it will not be due to the incident. If you need more information on reserved status please review the help page.




ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Please confirm whether the lens is in fully working condition and how old is this lens? What is the actual purchase date of this lens by the first owner? Also share the item tracking number and shipping details. Thanks.

I loaded a film into a camera today and found that a spool near take up spool has corrosion and cracks. It can't be moved so when I loaded the film into a camera and going to shoot, the frame counter doesn't work and this make camera won't cock a shutter. I ended up wasting 1 roll of film and the camera still can't be used. Please let me know if you have a solution.


レンズが完全に作動する状態かどうか、またそのレンズはどのくらいの年式のものかを確認してご教示いただけますか? 最初のオーナーがこのレンズを最初に購入した日はいつでしょうか? また、商品の追跡番号と出荷の詳細を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。


ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I would like to follow up with you regarding your recent ○○○ order.
Please let me know if you have had a chance to review the information sent to you and if you would like further assistance in providing the requested information that is necessary to process your order.
If you are unable to locate the requested information, please follow the instructions below.

1. Login to your online bank statement associated with the payment used to place the order.

2. View your ○○○ transaction details located on your online statement .
Within the ○○○ transaction details, a 3-digit code will appear next to ○○○.


貴殿にお送りした情報をご覧になる機会は御座いましたでしょうか? また、ご注文の処理を進めるに当たり必要な情報の提供をお願いしました件について、さらに何かお手伝いは必要でしょうか?
1. 発注する際に支払い方法として指定した銀行のオンライン・ステートメントにログインしてください。

2. オンライン・ステートメント上の〇〇トランザクションの詳細をご確認ください。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

We can provide lower numbers ones like 003 or 009 but not a designation, in other words we do not guarantee any particular cert number. Usually, the 001s and 002s or sometimes even 003s are all sold to preorders/reservations with special prices, or listed in an auction mode. Thank you.

Yes, we do have this one with an -001 label,

We should have these coins back from NGC later this week. Depending upon how they grouped them when they printed the labels we may have an -001, but there is no guarantee. We usually send coins to NGC in bulk, so there a many different coins on the same invoice, so not every different coin series will start with -001. It all depends on how they process the invoice.



はい。弊社ではこれを -001ラベルのものに適用しています。


ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

here is the E-mail for Pentax, Culver City. Bill is knowledgeable about 6 X 7
service. he is looking for camera bodies and accessories.
You two should get to know each other. He has a buyer for a non "mirror up" camera body so I can purchase yours. If it needs minor service, he will help me with it.
He has ben servicing cameras for many years and I trust his expertise.
Please give him an e-mail. I told he about the camera system i purchased from you and he was very impressed with the quality and condition.


カルバーシティーにあるペンタックスのメールアドレスが以下です。ビルは6 X 7カメラ・サービスについて非常に博識です。彼はカメラ本体とアクセサリーを探しています。