jaytee Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 15 years ago
Spanish Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
jaytee Japanese → English
Original Text



Enhanced EC support:

Directly-managed e-commerce websites has increased among the apparel business as well as specialized stores. Although the stagnated sales from the off-line stores is partly the cause of this increase, it shows the shift of focus toward enhanced branding and sales expansion through increased contacts with their consumers by combining the on-line and off-line sales of the brand as a whole. One may conclude that the relationship between on-line and off-line commerces are now regarded as mutually supplemental instead of contradicting to each other. On the other hand, the increase of companies supporting e-commerce, both volume- and quality-wise, has helped lower the barrier for the companies to join e-commerce who, though recognizing the importance of e-commerce, had had difficulty implementing on-line marketing due to the uncertainty of their marketing method.

More and more e-commerce supports have taken the form of ASPs providing system services through network, and some companies (such as ZEAL) even support the implementation itself. There are others who offer creation of contents such as photographing and texts (such as Diamond Head), support particular function such as logistics, or undertake the total e-commerce tasks (such as START TODAY CONSULTING). In the field of logistics, various innovations are being tried, as we see Yamato Transport Group handling the system managenent and payments, or companies of different industries embarking on the joint venture, as in the case of Sagawa Express Group and Diamond Head.

jaytee Japanese → English
Original Text



第 2 条 (適用範囲)





Article 1 (Objective)

These terms of sevice (hereafter referred to as "The Terms") are applicable to the services provided by Spinning Works Co. ("The Company") through its web site "Qlippy" ("The Website")("The Serveces"), the users of The Services ("The Users"), data of digital books used by the Users through the Services ("The Copyrighted Contents"), and all the information, including comments, texts and images, posted by the Users on The Services ("The User Contents").

Article 2 (Scope)

1. The Terms apply all the Users, Copyrighted Contents and User Contents.

2. The rules and provisions posted on the Website from time to time constitute the part of the Terms. The users are considered to also have read and agreed to the rules and provisions mentioned at the time of use of the Website.

3. The Users shall truthfully comply with the Terms.

jaytee Japanese → English
Original Text







Article 3 (Posting the Terms)

The Terms are permanently displayed to the Users through publication on the Website or by the other means. The relevant contents which are posted through the means mentioned here constitute the part of the Terms regardress their names.

Article 4 (Modification of the Terms)

1. The Company may modify the Terms without the consent of the Users. In this case the conditions of use applied to the Services shall be those according to the Terms after the modifications.

2. Unless otherwise provided by the Company, the Terms after modification becomes effective from its posting on the Website. When the Users use the Services after the modified Terms have been posted on the Website, the Users are considered to have read and agreed to all the contents in the modified Terms.

jaytee Japanese → English
Original Text








Article 5 (Account Registration)

1. Account Registration process consists of registration of user name, E-mail address, passward and the time zone through the Website or on the application. The users who have completed the account registration (hereafter referred to as "the Account Registrants") are considered to have aggread the use of their account information with the ID of the terminal they use.

2. The Account Registrants are considered to have read carefully and aggreed to the Terms as well as the other provisions otherwise provided by the Company, and bear responsibility for complying the the Terms as well as the other provisions otherwise provided when using the Services.

3. Only one account per user are provided to the Account Registrants, and they shall not possess more than one account.

4. The Account Registrants shall not assign, transfer nor lend the account provided by the Company to any third party.

5. The Account information, including the password, shall be managed under the responsibility of the Account Registrants, and the responsibility of any action conducted with the use of an account information lies on the Account Registrtant who owns the applicable account.

jaytee Japanese → English
Original Text









Article 6 (Privacy Policy and Personal Information)

The company will acquire, at the time of providing the Services, the minimum required information from the Users. The Company will handle with atmost care the personal data acquired frome the Usere to protect their privacy. See the section of Privacy Policy for the datails of the Company's policy about privacy and personal information.

Article 7 (Copyrighted Materials and User Contents)

1. The Company may keep such basic records as book titles, names of authors, publishers and ISBN in order to provide the Services.

2. The User shall not use the Copyrighted contents beyond the scope set out by the Terms and the scope of replication for personal use authorized by the Copyright Act, except for those which belong to the public domain or for which the authorizations from the owner of the copyright have been given.

3. For all the User Contents, the User who has created the relavent User Content has the sole responsibility for the same.

4. The Company is not responsible for reliability, legality, morality, properness or the updated state of the information regarding all the User Contents.

jaytee Japanese → English ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text












Discount available in addition to free shipping.
Please read this page.
Extremely reasonable. It's a great bargain!
It's first-come basis. So I wish you good luck!

Applicable discounts are as follows;

If the first person to bid wins, (s)he will pay his/her bidding price with 10% discount.
If the second person to bid wins, (s)he will pay his/her bidding price with 5 % discount.
If the third person to bid wins, (s)he will pay his/her bidding price with 3 % discount.

Example: A person A places a bid at $5. Then, a person B bids at $7. After that a person C bids at $7, making a total price at $19. Finally, the person A adds $1 more on the bid and wins with the final price of $20.
In this case, the person A had the first bid of $5, so (s)he will receive the discount of 10% of the final bidding price.
Thus, the person A will pay $18.

I hope the above explanation has clarified any doubt.
(この文は、通常In case of any doubt, please contact me at...=疑問がある際はお知らせください(連絡アドレス)。などと表記すると思います。「分かりましたか?」と聞かれて、分からない場合はどうするか、を説明すべきだと思います。)

The discount is only applicable to those who has placed the bid at $5 or above.
Please be aware that if you bid at $1 to $4, you won't be eligible for this discount.