itprofessional16 Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Secret Keys

In order to ensure that there is no way for the system to change the outcome of a bet, the secret keys used are decided ahead of time. They are not released right away, since they could be used to submit selective transactions and win bets unfairly. However, the hash of the secrets is released. After the secrets are release users can verify that preceeding bets were provably fair.

Each bet transaction that comes in is assigned to the secret key of the current day when it is first processed. In most cases this will be as soon as the transaction is broadcast on the bitcoin network. However it could be later if the system has some problems processing or an outage. All times are in GMT.




送られてくる個々の賭けのトランザクションは 最初に処理された日の秘密キーに割り当てられます。ほとんどの場合、これは、取引がbitcoinネットワーク上でブロードキャストされるやいなやなされます。しかしながら、システムに処理や機能停止の問題がある場合には、後からになる可能性があります。すべての時間はGMTです。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Hash File
The system has a file of all the hash keys for the next 10 years: hash.keys This file can be verified in several ways. The simplest is to simply download and keep a copy of that file. If ever your copy and the copy we are distributing disagree there is something awry. The other way is to use a package called BitcoinTimestamp. This is something which stores a sha256 sum in the bitcoin network as a transaction. Since this transaction goes into the block chain, it is impossible for anyone to tamper with after the fact.

$ sha256sum hash.keys
9b0d87ac871518cfd8601aa456b58fa74c01194cfeb25e7f3eecf43759d6ccb4 hash.keys
$ java -jar jar/BitcoinTimestamp-1.0.1.jar decode 428bcc630b00fe431623b4e1fb0



$ sha256sum hash.keys
9b0d87ac871518cfd8601aa456b58fa74c01194cfeb25e7f3eecf43759d6ccb4 hash.keys
$ java -jar jar/BitcoinTimestamp-1.0.1.jar decode 428bcc630b00fe431623b4e1fb0

itprofessional16 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Is it the collector's edition that includes a Cominica Robot Soldier model with certificate of authenticity, the Laputa: Castle in the Sky Collector's Edition book, a 2-disc DVD Japanese Edition of Laputa: Castle in the Sky, a CD Single and the Original Soundtrack CD. And all of these things are contained in 2 boxes in another large box with that has a picture of the Castle in the sky on the front?
For the certificate of authenticity, is it actually signed by Hayao Miyazaki or is it just a printed copy?
Do you mind sending me some pictures of all the items and also pictures showing where the imperfections are if there are any?
And also how much would it cost to ship it to Australia?




『絶版』&『廃盤』は、「out of print」です。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

3 Follow the on-screen instructions.


Garmin Ltd. and its subsidiaries (“Garmin”) grant you a limited license to use the software embedded in this device (the “Software”) in binary executable form in the normal operation of the product. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Software remain in Garmin and/or its third- party providers.
You acknowledge that the Software is the property of Garmin and/or its third-party providers and is protected under the United States of America copyright laws and international copyright treaties.


3 画面上の指示に従ってください。


Garmin Ltd.とその子会社("Garmin")は、あなたが製品を通常の操作をするために、この装置にバイナリ実行形式で組み込まれたソフトウェア(以下"ソフトウェア")を使用するための限定的なライセンスを付与します。タイトル、所有権、および本ソフトウェアの知的財産権は、Garminおよび/または、そのサードパーティプロバイダに残っています。


itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Units: Sets to measure distance in yards or meters.

Setting the Time Manually
By default, the time is set automatically when the device acquires satellite signals.

1 Select>Setup>Time>Manual.
2 Select and to set the hour and minute.
3 SelectAMorPM.

Setting the Alarm

1 Select > Setup Alarm.
2 Select and to set the hour and minute.
3 SelectAMorPM.
4 Select Once, Daily, or Weekdays.

Changing the Display Color
You can change the background color on the device.
1 Select >Setup>Display.

Device Care

Do not store the device where prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures can occur, because it can cause permanent damage.

Never use a hard or sharp object to operate the touch screen, or damage may result.




1 設定>時間>手動 を選択します。
2 時間と分を設定します。
3 AMかPMを選択します。


1 アラームの設定を選択します。
2 時間と分を設定します。
3 AMかPMを選択します。
4 一度、毎日、または平日を選択します。

1 >設定>表示を選択します。




itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Viewing Scorecards on a Computer
You can view all saved scorecards on your computer.
1 Connect the device to a USB port on your computer using the charging cradle .
2 The device appears as a removable drive in My Computer in Windows® computers, and as a mounted volume on Mac® computers.
3 Open ScorecardViewer.html to view your scorecards.

Saving a Location
While playing a round, you can save up to five locations on each hole.
1 Stand in the location you want to save.
: You cannot save a location that is far from the currently selected hole.
2 Select> SL.
3 Select a label for the location.

Clearing Locations
While playing a round, you can clear previously saved locations for the current hole.
Select> Clear Locations.


1 充電クレードルを使用して、コンピュータのUSBポートにデバイスを接続します。
2 デバイスは、Windows®コンピュータのマイコンピュータにリムーバブルドライブとして表示され、Mac®コンピュータのマウントされたボリュームとして表示されます。
3 スコアカードを見るためには、ScorecardViewer.htmlを開きます。

1 保存したいロケーションに立ちます。
2 > SLを選択します。
3 ロケーションのラベルを選択します。

> ロケーションのクリア を選択します。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

4 Hold SC to view a list of the scores for all holes. From this list, you can select any hole to change the score for that hole.

Setting the Scoring Method
You can change the method the device uses to keep score.
1.Select an option:
If you are currently playing a round, select SC >S.
If you are not currently playing a round, select S > S

2.Select a scoring method.

About Stableford Scoring
When you select the Stableford scoring method , points are awarded based on the number of strokes taken relative to par. At the end of a round, the highest score wins. The device awards points as specified by the United States Golf Association.

NOTE: The scorecard for a Stableford scored game shows points instead of strokes.


4 すべてのホールのスコアのリストを表示するには、SCを押したままにします。このリストから、任意のホールを選択して、そのホールのスコアを変更することができます。

1. オプションを選びます:
あなたが現在ラウンドをプレーしている場合は、SC > Sを選択します。
あなたが現在ラウンドをプレーしていない場合は、S > Sを選択します。




itprofessional16 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

• Tap the touchscreen to scroll through the pages.

NOTE: By default, the device calculates the distance to the front, middle, and back of the green. If you know the location of the pin, you can set it more precisely using Green View.

Current hole number.
Distance to the back of the green.
Distance to the middle of the green.
Distance to the front of the green.
Par for the hole.
Next hole.
Previous hole.

Viewing the Green
While playing a game, you can take a closer look at the green and move the pin location.
1 Begin playing a game .
2 Select > GV
3 Drag to move the pin location.
The distances on the hole view screen are updated to reflect the new pin location. The pin location is saved for only the current round.





1 ゲームのプレイを開始します。
2 > GVを選択します。
3 ピンの位置をドラッグして移動します。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

The device touchscreen is different than most mobile devices. The touchscreen is designed so you can operate it with your finger tip or while wearing gloves. The touchscreen is optimized to prevent accidental touches while you play.

NOTE: You must press firmly in order to select items and change pages. You should practice using the touchscreen before you play.

• Select > LS to lock the screen from the hole view, layup and dogleg, shot measurement, or odometer screen.
• Tap the touchscreen and swipe left to exit power save mode or to unlock the screen.
• Tap the touchscreen to confirm messages.
• Tap the top and bottom of the touchscreen to scroll through menus.
• Make each touchscreen selection a separate action.




•ホールビュー、レイアップとドッグレッグ、ショット測定、または走行距離計の画面から画面をロックするには、選択 > LS とします。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Two states, Nevada and Delaware, are already laying the groundwork for virtual gambling. Within months they will most likely be joined by New Jersey.

Bills have also been introduced in Mississippi, Iowa, California and other states, driven by the realization that online gambling could bring in streams of tax revenue. In Iowa alone, online gambling proponents estimated that 150,000 residents were playing poker illegally.

Legislative progress, though, is slow. Opponents include an influential casino industry wary of competition and the traditional antigambling factions, who oppose it on moral grounds.Silicon Valley is hardly discouraged.





itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Companies here believe that online gambling will soon become as simple as buying an e-book or streaming a movie, and that the convenience of being able to bet from your couch, surrounded by virtual friends, will offset the lack of glittering ambience found in a real-world casino. Think you can get a field of corn in FarmVille, the popular Facebook game, to grow faster than your brother-in-law’s? Five bucks says you cannot.

“Gambling in the U.S. is controlled by a few land-based casinos and some powerful Indian casinos,” said Chris Griffin, chief executive of Betable, a London gambling start-up that handles the gaming licenses and betting mechanics of the business for developers.




"米国では、ギャンブルが少数の地元のカジノといくつかの強力なインドのカジノによって制御されている"とゲームライセンスおよび開発者のためのビジネスの仕組みを扱うロンドンのギャンブルスタートアップのBetable社の最高経営責任者(CEO)のChris Griffin氏は言った。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

“What potentially becomes an interesting counterweight is all of a sudden thousands of developers in Silicon Valley making money overseas and wanting to turn their efforts inward and make money in the U.S.”

Betable has set up shop in San Francisco, where 15 studios are now using its back-end platform. “This is the next evolution in games, and kind of ground zero for the developer community,” Mr. Griffin said.
Overseas, online betting is generating an estimated $32 billion in annual revenue — nearly the size of the United States casino market. Juniper Research estimates that betting on mobile devices alone will be a $100 billion worldwide industry by 2017.



海外では、オンライン賭博は年間売上高で推定320億ドルを発生させています - これは、米国のカジノ市場とほぼ同じ規模です。Juniper Research社は、モバイルデバイスでの賭け単独で、2017年までに一千億ドルの世界的な産業になるだろうと推定しています。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

“Everyone is really anticipating this becoming a huge business,” said Chris DeWolfe, a co-founder of the pioneering social site Myspace, who is throwing his energies into a gaming studio with a gambling component backed by, among others, the personal investment funds of Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder, and Eric E. Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman.

As companies eagerly wait for the American market to open up, they are introducing betting games in Britain, where Apple has tweaked the iPhone software to accommodate them. Facebook began allowing online gambling for British users last summer with Jackpotjoy, a bingo site; deals with other developers followed in December and this month.


"誰もが、これは巨大なビジネスになると本当に予想している"と先駆的なソーシャルサイトMySpaceの共同創設者のChris DeWolfe氏は言いました。
彼はとりわけ、Amazonの創始者Jeff Bezos氏、Googleの代表取締役会長のEric E. Schmidt氏の個人投資ファンドに裏打ちされたギャンブルの構成要素のあるゲームスタジオに彼のエネルギーを注いでいます。


itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Zynga, the company that developed FarmVille, Mafia Wars, Words With Friends and many other popular casual games, is advertising the imminent release of its first betting games in Britain. “All your favorite Zynga game characters will be there, except this time they’ll have real money prizes to offer you,” an ad says. “Play online casino games for pennies and live the dream!”

Mr. DeWolfe’s studio, SGN, is also on the verge of starting its first real-money games in Britain. “Those companies that have a critical mass of users that are interested in playing real-money games are going to be incredibly valuable,” he said.


FarmVille、Mafia Wars、Words With Friendsなど多くの人気カジュアルゲームを開発したZynga社は、英国で彼らの最初の賭けゲームのリリースが差し迫っていることを宣伝しています。"あなたの好きなZyngaゲームのキャラクターがすべてそこにいて、彼らはあなたに提供するリアルマネーの賞金をもっているでしょう。"広告は言います。 "お金のためにオンラインカジノゲームをプレイし、夢を生きよう!"


itprofessional16 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Mark Pincus, the chief executive of Zynga, said the company was just following the market. “There is no question there is great interest from all kinds of people in games of chance, whether it is for real money or virtual rewards,” he said. Zynga, which has missed revenue expectations in the last year, is making gambling a centerpiece of its new strategy. It has just applied to Nevada for a gambling license.

Casual gaming first blossomed on Facebook’s Web site, where players could readily corral friends into their games. It is now being rethought for mobile devices, so people can play in brief snippets as they wait for a bus or a sandwich.


Zynga社の最高経営責任者(CEO)のMark Pincus氏は、同社が市場に続いているだけだと言った。"それが本物のお金または仮想報酬のためであるかどうかにかかわらず、偶然のゲームでいろいろな種類の人々から大きな関心が寄せられているのは疑うまでもありません"と彼は言った。


itprofessional16 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The powerful Las Vegas and Indian casinos have mixed attitudes toward online gambling. Caesars Entertainment in 2011 acquired the Israeli start-up Playtika, developer of the popular Facebook game Slotomania, for about $180 million, offering it a springboard into the digital world. But Sheldon Adelson, the Las Vegas magnate and major Republican Party donor, is opposed to online betting because he thinks children will end up gambling.In New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie has had different qualms. He has vetoed two online gambling bills, the second earlier this month. One concern: the state’s take, a proposed 10 percent tax, was not large enough.


強力なラスベガスやインディアンカジノは、オンラインギャンブルに対してまちまちの態度を取っています。Caesars Entertainment社は、2011年にFacebookの人気ゲームSlotomaniaを開発したイスラエルのスタートアップのPlaytika社を約1.8億ドルで買収し、デジタルの世界に踏み出しました。しかし、ラスベガスの有力者で主要な共和党の寄付者のSheldon Adelson氏は、オンライン賭博に反対しています。なぜなら、彼は、子供たちがギャンブル依存症になると考えているからです。ニュージャージー州では、Chris Christie知事は、異なる不安を持っていました。彼は二つのオンラインギャンブルの法案に拒否権を発動しました。2つ目は今月初めです。一つの懸念:州の取り分、提案された10%の税金は十分ではありませんでした。