ichi_09 Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 15 years ago
German English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ichi_09 Japanese → English
Original Text


・ 価値を提供する手段としてのRuby
・ クックパッドのスケーリングと開発体制
・ クックパッドで働く外国人エンジニアから見たクックパッド


<time table>
12:00~12:50 'Ruby powering 9 million dining tables'
12:50~13:20 Q&A and Lunch time(各自お弁当を持参ください)




He is going to talk about mainly following three points.

- Ruby as the tool for delivery of the value
- Cookpad's scaling and developmental regime
- Cookpad observed by non-Japanese engineers who work at Cookpad

The slides are written in English and the lecture will be delivered in Japanese. We are looking forward to non-Japanese attendance too.

[Time Table]
12:00 - 12:50 'Ruby powering 9 million dining tables'
12:50 - 13:20 Q&A session and Lunch time (Please bring your own lunch)

Cookpad has a branch in USA and aggressively hire engineers regardless of their nationality. We are looking forward to non-Japanese attendance who are interested in working at Japanese company.

Cookpad developer's blog

ichi_09 Japanese → English
Original Text



broad area sales division

ichi_09 Japanese → English
Original Text

クックパッドの運営するレシピ投稿サイトcookpad.comは、2008年のリニューアルでRuby on Railsを採用しました。以来、日本最大のRailsサイトとして月間989万人のユーザーから生み出される4.6億PVを支え、なおも拡大を続けています。



cookpad.com, the recipe-exchanging site operated by COOKPAD Inc. has adopted Ruby on Rails at the redesign in 2008. Since then, it gains 460 million PVs per month by 9.89 million users and keeps increasing as the largest Rails site in Japan.
By adopting Agile technologies such as test-driven development and scram, and by utilizing cloud and distributed processing technology such as Hadoop, we make it possible to deliver massive and expeditious value never before possible to users' everyday life, also we keep trying to 'increase the hearty smiles by making daily cooking enjoyable' which is our mission.

We are going to have a session '●●' @RubyKaigi2010 on Sunday 29th August, 12:00 - 13:30. Please join us if you are interested in the technologies for enrichment of our lives or creations using Ruby.