Hiroyuki Ishiyama (hiroyuki-ishiyama) Translations

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Over 9 years ago Male 40s
United Kingdom
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hiroyuki-ishiyama English → Japanese
Original Text


Humanoid robots were all the rage in 2014, but Plen2 claims to be the world’s first to be both 3D printable and completely open-source. At only 20 centimeters tall, Plen2 is rather small – but it’s got big customization potential.

“We provide the 3D data for major components, so people can use their own 3D printers to customize the robot,” Natsuo Akazawa, Plen Project CEO, told Tech in Asia. “Plen2’s Arduino-compatible computer board can further expand its functions. We have a small team, just three people, so without a huge internal network we chose to allow innovation take place within our user network.”




「私たちは主要部品に3Dデータを組み込んでおり、使用者がロボットをカスタマイズするために自身の3Dプリンタを使用できるようになっていいます。」Plen Project CEOのアカザワナツオ氏はTech in Asiaにそう語った。「Plen2のArduino互換のコンピュータボードはその機能をより高めることができます。私たちは3人足らずの小さいチームで構成されており、巨大な社内ネットワークではなく、我々のユーザネットワークの中でイノベーションを起こすことができるような方式を取りました。」

hiroyuki-ishiyama English → Japanese
Original Text

Researchers just built a free, open-source version of Siri

Major tech companies like Apple and Microsoft have been able to provide millions of people with personal digital assistants on mobile devices, allowing people to do things like set alarms or get answers to questions simply by speaking. Now, other companies can implement their own versions, using new open-source software called Sirius — an allusion, of course, to Apple’s Siri.

Today researchers from the University of Michigan are giving presentations on Sirius at the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems in Turkey. Meanwhile, Sirius also made an appearance on Product Hunt this morning.




今日、トルコで開催されているプログラム言語およびOS向けアーキテクチャサポートに関する国際会議で、ミシガン大学の開発者がプレゼンを実施する予定である。同時に、今朝よりSiriusはProduct Huntにも登場している。