greene Translations

5.0 3 reviews
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About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
greene English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

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•It looks like the item you had listed can be rather expensive, are you aware of how setting a reserve price can protect you from having a final bid on your item that's lower than it may be worth?

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- あなたが出品されている商品は結構高価なものに思われました。最低落札価格の設定方法はご存知でしたでしょうか?商品価値よりも低い価格で落札されることを回避できます。
- 一般的に、これらの商品はあなたが設定している価格よりもカナリ高い市場価格になっています。利益確保の観点でビジネス計画はどうなっていますか?直送業者を利用されていますか?



greene English → Japanese
Original Text

The proposed theories of its operation have all been criticized because they violate the conservation of momentum, a fundamental law of physics, though Shawyer asserts that EmDrive does not.

Chinese researchers from the Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU) in Xi'an in 2010, published a report in their university's journal claiming to have confirmed the theory, and in 2012 they published a report stating that they had built and tested a device claiming to have replicated Shawyer's experiments, recording better results than Shawyer had claimed at even higher power levels,[6][10][11][12][13] though they were also clear that their work was still preliminary.



中国西安市にある西北工業大学に所属する研究者グループは2010年に大学のジャーナルにおいて、この理論を実証したと主張する論文を発表し、2012年に発表した論文では装置の作成と検証を実施し、Shawyer氏の実験結果を再現し、より高い出力レベルにおいてさえShawyer氏の主張よりも好結果を記録したと主張している。[6][10][11][12][13] 但し、中国研究者グループの研究成果もまだ途中経過としている。