Michel González (gonmigonmi) Translations

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About 8 years ago Male 30s
Spanish (Native) English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gonmigonmi Japanese → English
Original Text




It is not settled down to the problem of the shift of working hours that a nurse of the charge changes frequently.
It often occurred that messages of the transfer were not enough particularly by night.
I always made a fuss, and it was able to be understood that I was busy about correspondence of the nurses well, but the correspondence coarse a little was worried about a honesty cage irregularity if I was very kind, and there was the person to be enough for.

It is the unplanned hospitalization days, and there were many opportunities to eat a hospital diet unexpectedly, but it cannot be said that the meal is delicious for a compliment. Taste is light, and there is not the body generally, too. Forthcoming timings were always bad for some reason to lower the tableware.