GO (go1986) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified) Russian
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
go1986 English → Japanese
Original Text

For objects sold under the margin scheme a buyers premium of 25 % on the first € 100,000 and 22 % on all monies in excess thereof including VAT will be added on the bid award. Lots which are listed in the appendix to be sold with VAT are calculated in line with standard taxation, i.e. statutory turnover tax is levied on the bid price plus 21 % premium on the first € 100,000 and 18 % on all monies in excess thereof. VAT currently amounts to 19 % (Objet d’arts, furniture, jewellery, offsets, photographs, etc.) i.e. 7 % (paintings, drawings, prints, etc.). Dealers who are entitled to prior-tax deduction generally have the option of regular taxation. We kindly request these dealers to inform us before invoicing.



go1986 English → Japanese
Original Text

The site is currently offered in Bahasa Indonesian language, as the Indonesian startup is looking to focus efforts in Jakarta until end of this year. They are looking to target Indonesia because it is a rising economy, with growing middle-income families. There are currently 50 million households with disposable income of US$3,000 or more.

For end users, when they become a member they pay US$200 and for subsequent years $100, and 50 to 60 percent of that goes to agencies who Cabara works with.

It’s difficult to deal with agencies one by one, and Cabara helps solve this problem. They handle payments manually because they have to still meet face to face.





go1986 English → Japanese
Original Text

Japanese Startup Moso Takes the Headache Out of Video Editing

At our Startup Arena Jakarta event, Japanese startup Moso pitched its video editing software for Mac OS X. We wrote about Moso once before, but the startup has fresh aspirations for the coming months. Its iPhone app is coming in July, and founder Shinju Murakoshi says that they will be targeting no less than a million downloads.

The service is an interesting one in that it makes video editing a little easier, a little faster, and more fun. Users can add fun animations, animations and motion text, and other fun effects. Videos can then be exported to networks like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter and shared with your friends.



ジャカルタで開催された「Startup Arena」で、日本のスタートアップ企業「Moso」がMac OS X向けビデオ編集ソフトを出展した。Mosoは以前にも一度とり上げたことがあるが、同社は来月に向けて野心的な狙いを見せる。創立者の村越慎司氏は「100万ダウンロードを目指している」と語った。iPhoneアプリは7月に配信予定。

ビデオ編集が手軽に、手早く、そしてもっと楽しくなるというのがアプリの魅力。ユーザーはアニメーションや動く字幕、エフェクトを追加できる。さらに編集したビデオをFacebook, YouTube, Twitterといったネットワーク上にアップロードして友人と共有することも可能だ。

go1986 English → Japanese
Original Text

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