Eiko (gloria) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Why is Facebook going public?

There are several reasons why a company typically goes public. In a recent paper by professors James Brau and Stanley Fawcett of Brigham Young University, the two outlined the usual motivations: To raise capital and to enrich the company’s founders and insiders. However, Facebook’s situation is a bit different. For Facebook, a better question might be “Why are they going public now as opposed to a couple of years ago?’”

One major reason is that private trading in the company is pretty much maxed out. Under U.S. laws, once you get 500 or more private shareholders, you have to publish detailed data about your company’s financial performance.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

We recently looked at an infographic detailing all the Facebook-luvin’ nations in Asia and saw that the Asia-Pacific region has 26 percent of the world’s users of the biggest social network. Of course, that too has the potential to surpass the US to be number one.

Focusing on India seems like a wise strategy, as more of India’s huge populace gets online and gets into social networking. Facebook, for its part, has been clued into this for some time already, having launched its ‘Facebook for every phone’ initiative earlier this year, to ensure that its SNS works on over 2,000 kinds of feature phones.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

That’s especially important in nations – like India and the Philippines – where so many people use cheaper phones and 2G/GPRS – or, indeed, SMS – to post status updates and photos.

Vaughan Smith said of these shifting trends:

" We expect that majority of people in India who have phones would use Facebook as the most important thing on their phone, because that’s what we see in other markets. Which means we will have more Facebook users in India than we do in America.

More than twice as many people login to Facebook from mobiles than desktops, globally. Usage is switching and the same is happening in India."




