conniechappell Translations

ID Verified
About 10 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
conniechappell English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I am afraid I will need to have this forwarded to a specialist who might be able to remove the negative feedback for us. Several investigations will be done to make sure we do the right thing not just for you but also for the buyer. To avoid this in the future, you can open an Unpaid Item case instead of the Cancel Transaction Request. Because negative feedback will automatically be removed if the buyer gets an Unpaid Item Strike for non payment. Please give us 7-10 days for the investigation. We will let you know as soon as we get an update. I appreciate your patience and efforts working with us to get this resolved. Thank you for choosing eBay. We value your business.


残念ながら、私たちに対する否定的なフィードバックを消すため、専門家にこれを転送する必要があります。あなたにとってだけでなく、購入者様にとっても、私たちは正しいことをしていると確認するため、いくつかの調査が行われるでしょう。同じことをまた繰り返さないためには、あなた様は、Cancel Transaction Requestの代わりにUnpaid Item caseで対応することができます。もし購入者が支払い無しのため Unpaid Item Strikeになったとしたら、否定的なフィードバックは自動的に消されます。この問題解決のために私たちと一緒に対応してくださり、あなた様が辛抱強く努力してくださり、感謝しています。eBayを選んでいただきありがとうございます。あなた様とのお取引ができ光栄です。

conniechappell English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

We can’t offer an exchange on returned items but you can send something back for a full refund and then place a new order for the size, colour or item you’d prefer.

As an International customer, you can return your parcel using any postal service. Please note - you'll need to cover the postage costs yourself.

The parcel remains your responsibility until it arrives with us - remember to ask for proof of postage, so if your parcel goes missing in the mail, you’ll have proof you’ve sent it.

When you return your order, just pop your returns note in the parcel with the following details marked on it:

Your order number
Which items you’re returning for a refund





