cognac31 Translations

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Almost 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
cognac31 Japanese → French ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

まだ、落札後 あなたからの連絡がないので、再度私はメールしました。





Je me permets de vous contacter de nouveau comme je ne vous entends plus après avoir gagné l'enchère.
Pour que je puisse vous payer l'objet de l'enchère, je vous saurais gré de bien vouloir me faire savoir à quelle adresse j'envoie le chèque (votre adresse).
Sinon, je ne pourrais pas vous payer.

Comme je ne suis pas habitué à payer par chèque, votre aide m'aidera beaucoup.
Si je n'ai pas de réponse de votre part au plus tard le 13 novembre de cette semaine, je renoncerai l'acquisition de l'objet.
J'espère vous entendre bientôt.

Le frais pour le Colissimo est un peu cher pour moi, cela dépasse un peu mon budget.
Pourriez-vous, s'il vous plaît, me l'envoyer par en lettre recommandé (=€10)?

cognac31 Japanese → French
Original Text



Si l'acheteur possède le certificat de garantie qui se trouvait avec la marchandise, il pourra bénéficier de la garantie du fabricant durant un an de la date d'achat.
Cependant, l'acheteur ne possédant pas la garantie, il doit payer pour faire réparer l'appareil.
Comme je ne peux pas savoir comment l'appareil est abîmé, au lieu de l'envoyer au Japon, je vous conseille de le faire réparer auprès du magasin près de chez vous.
Comme je suis un agent de commerce, je ne suis pas en mesure de le faire la réparation. Je peux par contre demander la réparation auprès du fabricant, mais je ne peux pas vous dire si votre appareil sera réparé.
En tout cas, sans le certificat de garantie, la réparation n'est pas gratuit.

cognac31 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

but it does allow you to issue a full refund without requiring a return – doing this will close the case immediately. Please note that even if you and the buyer aren't able to agree on the best way to handle the return, it's still your responsibility to pay for the return shipping costs. We recommend buying a prepaid return label and sending it in the form of a web address, so that we can access and verify the information if needed.

Since our policies require you to facilitate this return, we'll close the case 9th of November, 2015.

I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but I hope I've explained the importance of working with your buyer to cover the return shipping costs.





cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

Post Sequoia funding, DAILYHOTEL gears up for November's global launch

The last-minute hotel booking app from South Korea has already started work on Singapore, Bangkok and Hong Kong

South Korean last-minute hotel booking app company DAILYHOTEL recently announced that it has raised an undisclosed amount from Sequoia Capital, according to beSUCCESS.

The report noted that this is Sequoia’s second investment into a Korea-based company, the first being e-commerce firm Coupang.

Speaking to Audrey Khoo, Local Director and Regional Manager, DAILYHOTEL’s first and only employee in Singapore, e27 understands that the company is preparing for its global launch in mid-November.


Post Sequoia 資金, DAILYHOTEL が 11月のグローバルローンチに向けて準備


beSUCCESS.に拠ると、韓国のラストミニュッツホテル予約アプリ会社DAILYHOTELは近頃Sequoia Capitalから非公開の額を上げたと報告した。


シンガポールでDAILYHOTELの最初で唯一の雇用者であり、ローカルディレクター兼地域マネージャーAudrey Khoo氏に聞いたところ、e27は会社が11月中旬にグローバルローンチの準備に入っていると理解。

cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

“We plan to do more hires, because we want to set up call centres,” she told this author. “For sure, we have to do hires.”

At the moment, the call centres operated by DAILYHOTEL are made up of mostly Korean speakers, with a handful that can support English enquiries.

Why Singapore?

In the coming months, users will see that DAILYHOTEL has set up Singapore as a base for overseas expansion.

Khoo said that Korea and Singapore share many similar characteristics, including buying attitudes and consumer preferences.

Other characteristics shared by Korea and Singapore are high smartphone penetration and strong mobile Internet. “To use a mobile app, you need to have good infrastructure,” she said.



現時点ではDAILYHOTEL が業務を遂行しているコールセンターは韓国語のできるスタッフと英語でサポートができる一握りのスタッフで構成されている。


Khoo 氏は韓国とシンガポールは購買姿勢や消費者の好みなどを含む多くの似通った特性を共有すると述べた。


cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

That said, smartphone users in Singapore are able to download the iOS and Android app — but will face confusion as the app only supports the Korean language for now.

DAILYHOTEL has also started work on expanding into Hong Kong and Bangkok.

The firm has also recently entered the hotel restaurant reservation business. This feature is currently only available in Korea.

Competition in Southeast Asia

Since it was founded two years ago, DAILYHOTEL is one of the most popular last-minute hotel booking apps in Korea.

However, it will have to be cautious when operating in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong where Thailand-based competitor HotelQuickly has made its primary markets.








cognac31 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Online grocery startup Honestbee raises $15M from Silicon Valley to deliver the goods

Online grocery delivery service Honestbee has raised US$15 million in a series A round, it announced today. Silicon Valley investment firm Formation 8 led the round. The company has a track record of investing in technology companies like Oculus VR.

The round was joined by Silicon Valley venture fund Pejman Mar Ventures, an investor in Dropbox and Lending Club, as well as Facebook, Amazon, and Google luminaries Gideon Yu, Owen Van Natta, and Steve Chen. It’s an investment round with an unmistakable Bay Area flavor for the Singapore-based company.



食料雑貨店配達サービス通販サイトHonestbeeはシリーズAラウンドで1500万USドルに上げた、と今日伝えた。シリコンヴァレー投資会社Formation 8がラウンドをリード。会社はOculus VRのようなテクノロジー会社に投資してきた実績がある。

ラウンドはシリコンヴァレーヴェンチャーファンドPejman Mar VenturesとともにDropbox、 Lending Club、フェイスブック、アマゾン及びGoogleなどに投資する著名人Gideon Yu氏, Owen Van Natta氏, Steve Chen氏が加わった。

cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

Honestbee provides online grocery delivery within one hour of ordering, the company claims. It uses freelance shoppers who receive the order on their phone, purchase the groceries, and deliver them to your door. The company has partnerships in Singapore with supermarket chains NTUC Fairprice and Cold Storage, pet products retailer Pet Lovers Center, and specialty retailers like Gastronomia da Paolo, Crystal Wines, and Four Seasons Organic.

The company is operating in Singapore and has just announced its Hong Kong launch. Plans include expansion to another six major cities by June 2016, it says. In the last eight months, it has staffed up to 100 people and continues to look for more hires.


Honestbee 社は食品雑貨通販サイトとして注文確認後、1時間以内に配達可能としている。電話で注文を受け取る、食品雑貨を購買する、戸口まで配達するなどはフリーランスの店員を使う。会社はシンガポールでスーパーマーケットチェーン店NTUC Fairprice and Cold Storage、ペット商品販売業者Pet Lovers Centerまた Gastronomia da Paolo、Crystal WinesやFour Seasons Organicなどの専門販売業者と提携関係にある。


cognac31 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

“Most people in Asia are time-starved due to the demands of their job and a large proportion of the population do not possess their own vehicles,” co-founder Isaac Tay says in a statement. “With our on-demand delivery service, time-crunched customers can enjoy the widest choices from their favourite stores, even at the last minute.”

Formation 8 founder, Brian Koo, says: “Formation 8 believes that the hyper-local on-demand market plays a significant role in the way commerce will evolve. Given the increasing population density across all the key cities in Asia due to job and wealth creation, this is right time and opportunity.” Joel Sng, a founder of Honestbee, is a general partner at Formation 8.


「アジアの多くの人々は仕事からの要求で時間が足りず、人口の大半は車を持ちません。私たちの配達サービスで、時間に追われたお客さまが幅広いチョイスでお好みのお店から、ぎりぎりのタイミングでも楽しくご利用いただけるのです」と共同創設者Isaac Tay氏は声明した。

Formation 8 創設者Brian Koo氏は次のように述べた。「Formation 8は地域の需要に合った市場は進化して行く商業において重要な役割を果たすと信じています。雇用と富の創出によってアジアの主要都市に渡る増加を辿る人口密度を考えれば、まさにチャンスの時です」 Honestbeeの創設者Joel Sng氏はFormation 8のジェネラル・パートナーである。

cognac31 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Honestbee cites a Goldman Sachs report which said the online grocery shopping market in Asia is estimated at US$18 billion. Meanwhile, developing markets in Asia Pacific are most willing to use online retail solutions like grocery delivery, according to Nielsen’s Global E-Commerce and The New Retail Report.

The question, then, becomes whether competition can help the online grocery delivery space grow in Southeast Asia, or if it will start a race to the bottom. The latter case might be good news for consumers’ wallets, but it’s almost certainly bad news for any company that wants to remain sustainable.


HonestbeeはGoldman Sachs リポートでアジアの食品雑貨通販ショッピング市場が180億米ドルと推計されていることを例に挙げた。そうした中、Nielsen’s Global E-CommerceとThe New Retail Reportに拠ると、アジア太平洋で展開している市場は食品雑貨配達のようなリテールソリューション通販サイトの使用を一番求めているとのことである。
