chipange Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chipange English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Thank you for payment via paypal. I am waiting for the funds to be transferred to my account before I can ship (to have the $ to ship). Thanks and I will let you know as soon as it arrives, as well as provide a tracking number # for you.
I never charge more then it costs to ship an item. Many times I do pay for a part of the shipping fees.
If you had paid me the shipping fee estimate that I initially asked you to pay with the invoice, then I would have been happy with that amount. But since you went to great lengths to pay less then required I would ask for you to pay the actual shipping fees here of $9.60, which is $7.21.

Thank you for working this out with me.



しかし、あなたが必要額より少ない額を、しかも支払いに時間がかかってしまいましたので、 $7.21.でなく実際の輸送費の$9.60を支払ってくださるようお願いします。


chipange Japanese → English
Original Text



Customarily, we Japanese eat “nanakusa gayu” or rice porridge with seven herbs for breakfast tomorrow January 7. It is believed that this meal not only brings our stomach, which is abused from party food and drinks around new year’s holiday season, back to normal condition again but also brings us a good health and no tragedy. I am wondering what kind of traditional custom in you country. The other day, I visited my mother hospitalized now and gave her some hand treatment. Since in a hospital room, I could not do much of treatment. However my mother seemed feeling so happy while I was feeling her skin. I remember my mother used to hold my hand when I was small. Ironically now I was doing this for her. I am so glad that I could feel my mother’s hand.

chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

It is not a coincidence that the only person on our block who borrows our garden tools was born in Trinidad. We are delighted to loan them, but our other neighbors would rather buy their own, even if it means spending a lot for something they use once a year. Attitudes are different in small twins where people know each other's families well and, besides, don't have the money to buy tools they use once a year. Here, a great deal of socializing goes on in the name of borrowing and returning things. In the cities, affluence has afforded independence, but it is significant that Americans would rather put their money into independence than into some other luxuries.

