Chibbi (chibbi) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chibbi English → Japanese
Original Text

1.What is Electricity?
Q: We all know that so many things are connected toelectricity, such as lamp, TV, air conditioner, can you tell me what is electricity?
A: Electricity is just an abstract definition,
it exists in everywhere in our daily life. Actually, it can be defined as one kind of energy that referred as the movement of sub-atomic particles (with their electrical charges) through a material due to an electrical charge outside the material. There are some obvious phenomena happens in our daily life, such as lightening and static electricity, and magnetism.

2.Who Discovered Electricity?
- A: I am going to tell you a story about it that can be traced back to at least 600 BCE.



chibbi English → Japanese
Original Text

When, in ancient Greece, it was found that rubbing fur on amber caused an attraction between the two. This discovery is credited to the philosopher Thales of Miletus. One day, when he was polishing his amber at home, he found that a piece of fur was attracted by the amber after he put it on the desk, than he split them, but it happened again. So he made record about the phenomenon. It was to be many centuries before anyone was able to connect this phenomenon with lightning, and a century more before electrical currents were put to practical use.

3. How to Categorize Electricity?
Q: Are we using the same electricity to motivate the airconditioner and the remote controller?
A: Actually they are totally different.



chibbi English → Japanese
Original Text

So scientists upload the information by the wireless waves ,so it can transfer to wherever they want.

5. What did human do in electricity research after Miletus' discovery?
A: Dated back to the 17th century, Benjamin Franklin, a famous American scientist, proved that lightning was caused by electricity by describing an experiment in which an electrical conductor would be used to extract power from a thundercloud. In the experiment, he flew a kite with a metal key attached to it into a suitable cloud. The precise historical details are unclear, but he may have then retrieved the key and discharged electricity from it. By using the principles, he successfully invented for lightening rod.




chibbi English → Japanese
Original Text

Q: I found it very interesting that the plastic ruler cannot attract for any bits of paper ,but when it was rubbed among the hair for several time, it does.

A: Yes, that's it! This is the phenomenon of
Triboelectrification. Rubbing glass with fur, or a comb through the hair, can build up triboelectricity. Most everyday static electricity is triboelectric. The polarity and strength of the charges produced differ according to the materials, surface roughness, temperature, strain, and other properties.

9.What is Current? Is that like water flow?Can it flow too?
A: Yeah, Electric current can flow too. But it is totally different from water flow. Electric current is an flow of electric charge.
(Current in transferring)




A: そうだね、電流も流れていきますね。でも水の流れとは全く違うものなんです。電流は電気の力の流れなんです。(流れの移動)

chibbi English → Japanese
Original Text

Be careful when using parts with sharp point or edges. Recommended for children 8 years and up. Keep away from children under 3 years old. This kit is to be used only with 4.5Volt (1.5V*3) batteries! Under no circumstances should you use transformers, or any other electrical source!

Only for use by children aged 8 years and older. Instructions for parents are included and have to be observed.

Must read all the instructions by the parent together with the children so that they are fully understood before intended for use by children aged 8 years and up. Do read these instructions before use, follow them and keep them for reference.

Toy contain functional sharp point and edge.
Keep away from children under


先の尖った鋭いものとのパーツ使用には注意してください。お子様8歳以上向けのものです。3歳以下のお子様には触れないようにしてください。このキットは 4.5ボルト(1.5V*3)のバッテリーのみで使用してください。どのような状況にも変圧器もしくはその他の電気源は使用しないでください!


