chiakipenguin Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

The first and largest category is replete with trends that already have reached saturation. They may be well-rendered and serve their clients very well. Any would have been excellent candidates for trend reports in past years, but they just don't move our field forward.
Leaders in the "done to death" category for this year include designs that include birds, dinosaurs, monsters, people as trees, transparent flip books (actually, flipping or stacked see-through pages of any kind), transparent lotus blossoms, fruit, and X's (this final tribe where two crossed arrows or lines have words or icons in each of the four quadrants is so overdone that designers themselves have begun to parody it).




chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

From hi-tech products, through personal goods – even specialist food and beverage products like wines — creative people trying to turn their bright ideas into business face the same administrative challenges.

Hugh Mason is co-author of “Brainfruit – Turning Creativity Into Cash, from East to West”:

“Running a small business with minimal capital and minimal staff places huge responsibility on a first-time fashion designer. Each area of the business must be carefully planned and executed. It’s to find 90% of your time sucked up by administration and much of that is dealing with errors, returns, quality issues, manufacturing issues, staff issues, and the most draining of all; debt collection.



「Brainfruit – Turning Creativity Into Cash, from East to West」の共著者である Hugh Mason は、こう述べる。


chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

Cash is like blood for any fast-growing business. If the flow gets blocked, the result is the business equivalent of a heart attack. When most small fashion labels are only making 20% profit margin, a few errors, an unhappy customer that starts sending letters from their lawyer, or a couple of returned orders can kill that small profit.”

We heard the same story from well-known New Zealand fashion label WORLD:

“Fashion brands have always and will always find it difficult survive in any economic environment, WORLD has had its fair share of luck but stoic faith in the labels philosophy and hard work are what has kept WORLD going for 23 years”, Benny Castles, Menswear Design at WORLD



同じような話を、我々はニュージーランドの有名なファッションブランド WORLD から聞いた。

「ファッションブランドは、生き残るのが難しいし、今そうでなくてもいずれ難しくなる。それはどんな経済環境においても同じ。WORLD は幸運にも恵まれたが、ブランドの哲学に対する禁欲的なほどの信頼とハードワークのおかげで、23年間やってこれたのだと思う。」と、WORLD のメンズウェアデザイン部門の Benny Casties は語る。

chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

China’s Internet in a Glance [Infographic]

The folks over at Statista have collected some informative figures about how the internet is growing in China [1]. For regular readers of this blog, many of the stats are not new, but I think they did a great job of putting everything together into a comprehensive infographic [2].

As we’ve mentioned here before, China’s internet user total passed 513 million in 2011 according to CNNIC, which accounts for 38.3 percent of the total population. That means there’s still much room to grow, in comparision with penetration rates in the US and Europe, for example.


一目でわかる中国のインターネット (インフォグラフィック)

Statista のスタッフが、中国でいかにインターネットが拡大しているかについて、参考になる数字をいくつか集めている(注1)。このブログを日頃から読んでくれている読者の方にとっては数値の多くは最新ではないが、私は、彼らはすべてのデータを包括的なインフォグラフィックにまとめあげるという素晴らしい仕事をしたと思っている(注2)。


chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

That means your photos have more of a chance of sticking around and being associated with a certain place or object. Groups within the city-wide ones, as pictured above for Shenzhen, the city that’s home to Dingus, the startup that created Photocus. So you can create a specialized group within your city, say for “The Cutest Pet I’ve Ever Seen” or whatever takes your fancy.

Photocus has versions of its app for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone, which all look quite similar, using the large tiles mode of interface that was pioneered by Flipboard (and, by the way, we’re on Flipboard here). From the app you can share images to Facebook, Tencent Weibo, or Sina Weibo – which are also the third-party login options.



Photocus には、iOS、アンドロイド、ウィンドウズ・フォンのそれぞれのバージョンがあり、どれも画面は似ており、Flipboard が始めた大きなタイル方式のインターフェースを採用している(話はそれるが、我々の記事は Flipboard で提供している)。このアプリから、画像を Facebook や騰訊微博、新浪微博へ共有することができる。これらは別サイトへのログインのオプションによる機能だ。