We have a lot of experiences to export some items to the United State, and there is no problem at the moment except for tariff which sometimes need to be paid.But there is the risk that it's hard to return knives once you purchaise and recieve them because it's limited by the law, and we’d like you to understand that we won't take any responsibility after you recieved items.
koryにお伺いしたいことがあります。ほほ笑んだ表情の赤ちゃん"kit by Crystal "を作ってもらった場合日本までの送料込みでおいくらになりますか?ペイントは、1番目のお写真の子のような感じで、髪型は、2番目のお写真のこのような感じが良いです。髪のお色は、濃い茶色を希望します。また、ピンクの衣装が2セット入っていると嬉しいです。磁気おしゃぶりもお願いします。その他にもお願いしたい子がいますが、今、急いで欲しい子はこの子です。いつも質問ばかりしてごめんなさい。
I have a question to ask Kory. How much will it be including shipping fee if I order a "kit by Crystal" baby wich facial expression is smiling?I'd like it painted as the first picture of it, and I like the haird-do of secound of the picture, I'd like its hair color as dark brown.I'd be appreciated if I can get two pink costumes and a magnetism teething ring, too.There is another one in my mind, but this is the one I'd like to get ASAP.I'm sorry that I always ask you a lot of questions.磁器ではなく、磁気ですか?磁器であればporcelainになります。